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Drinking Water


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Misty likes to drink hot water from a tumbler in the morning when I have my morning coffee. He fair gulps it down. It's not because he is thirsty. He just loves the warm sensation. Of course it all comes out soon after! He also loves ice cubes and bathing in cold water.

As long as they have water they will take it as they need it. If they have lots of soft fruit they will need less water.Just make sure it is changed often and that it cannot be contaminated by droppings.



Steve n Misty

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I am still using the water bottle for Chico and now changing the water all the time. I like it cuz no more food in the bowl and that nasty smell. Fig drinks water from his bowl all the time. I will have to try the ice cube trick to see how they like it.

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Every time I change Brutus' water i offer him a drink. Probably about half the time he takes a few sips. Make sure to use filtered water to get rid of the chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, and toxins not cleaned by the water treatment plant.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's something you can try. I turned it into a game. It's also pretty handy if your traveling or just out and about with your bird and away from food/water. Ollie picked it up first time and does it like clockwork. FWIW, I don't normally speak baby talk, only to the bird. :D



Pearl LOVES the water bottle. (And I only speak baby talk to the baby bird too. :P)

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As this is a water thread I think I should point out that parrots can be very sensitive to excess sodium in hard water treated with water softener devices. This can lead to feather plucking and other health problems. Give your Grey only bottled spring water or water that has not been treated with sodium water softeners. Also use it to spray and mist. If you do have a sodium water softener built in avoid showering your bird with water passed though it. I use a water filter jug that uses ion exchange resins and activated carbon. Not only is it better for your feathered best friends but it also helps make very good coffee and tea.

There is a very good article in the latest Parrots Magazine on this subject. http://www.parrotmag.com


Steve n Misty

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As this is a water thread I think I should point out that parrots can be very sensitive to excess sodium in hard water treated with water softener devices. This can lead to feather plucking and other health problems. Give your Grey only bottled spring water or water that has not been treated with sodium water softeners. Also use it to spray and mist. If you do have a sodium water softener built in avoid showering your bird with water passed though it. I use a water filter jug that uses ion exchange resins and activated carbon. Not only is it better for your feathered best friends but it also helps make very good coffee and tea.

There is a very good article in the latest Parrots Magazine on this subject. http://www.parrotmag.com


Steve n Misty

Very Wise....Salts accumulates and kill....................................................................................Thank you Jay

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