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Update to Jellybean....


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He is now sitting in a porcelain bowl and going through his repertoire of whistles. This is a first; he is in the kitchen and can't see me. As soon as I enter he stops. It was like a jazz music session.. He is also mouthing a lot more. Even to my work out video. Heart wings are common and I got some kisses today.

I think this is great and I love it.

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One thing I have learned as I have been a grey companion is that the relationship evolves and deepens with time. I have had my CAG Gracie about 14 months. Things moved slowly at first and I figured "well this is how things will be with us." I have been so surprised to see growth and connection in consistent steps forward for the duration. It makes me realise that the sky is the limit with time patience and love. I'm glad jellybean is happy and giving you love. He will continually surprise you.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Yeah, 5 months are nothing. I just know that the previous owner deceived us in how much he was actually socialized. The key sentence should have been that " they needed Jellybean's room for the twins" Right now it does not matter, because Jellybean is amazing and we are building a relationship. He is challenging, but he makes me happy. And I think he is happy too! Jellybean is such a pretty bird!

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In response to JeffKOK and DanielaWelborn posts and all other members: What you have learned and are totally amazed with and the knowledge you have gained so far is in for some new and unheard of unexpected possible changes in the next three and a half to 5 years. Some of the responses and reply's given by members with older Greys sometimes seem out of place and doesn't pertain to these immature Grays. Some people say "My Grey will never be that way!" just wait.lol All of a sudden a thread is posted "OMG Why is [iNSERT NAME] acting this way? The terrible twos which can last a couple of years, then there's the possible change in Bonded partner, always be prepared that the relationship can change, then what about when they go through the " I'm going to change my whole style of life and diet and sleep time and my demands. Than they reach that magical time in life, Maturity, they perch back, leg lifted and contemplate their navel, quiet in their solitude, a occasional "Could you please give me a scritch? thank you, a little lower please"................So please, heed any advice you might here now. Thanks Jayd

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When I referred to surprises I certainly meant those we may not like as well. I am enjoying the strides we have made and am trying to prepare for the full-on terrible twos and the hormonal insanity that may await. The bond we are establishing now will hopefully see us through. :)

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What you have learned and are totally amazed with and the knowledge you have gained so far is in for some new and unheard of unexpected possible changes in the next three and a half to 5 years. Some of the responses and reply's given by members with older Greys sometimes seem out of place and doesn't pertain to these immature Grays. Some people say "My Grey will never be that way!" just wait.lol All of a sudden a thread is posted "OMG Why is [iNSERT NAME] acting this way?


Good comments Jay. :)


LOL - How true, the OMG's! :P


Those of us that have gone from hatchling to mature greys certainly know exactly what your talking about. But, through it all, those are really cherished moments that we look back on and smile as we review and understand the development stages they go through. Some are more intense in these stages than others. Yet, along with some of the extreme behaviors that had us wanting to give them a good spanking, there were still those other moments that when the hard and aggressive playing and teenage rebelliousness subsided, those wind down and relaxing moments that follow make it all better. Kind of like make-up sex after a fight with your human spouse. :P


Thanks for the passing on of your knowledge. You know what they say "Forewarned is forearmed".

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I can agree with all this Alfie came home at 10 wks and I knew he would not stay the lovely little baby that he was, he will be one this month and my god what a different bird he is already, love him to bits but he sure rules my life at the moment and pushes me to the limit at times, but now he has found out after being naughty he just has to go tickle tickle in his sofest voice and he has me just where he wants me! Greys Rule!!

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Jayd--your comments were very insightful and came from experience. I certainly didn't take it in any bad way. I want to stay very active in this forum in order to learn from you all who have spent time with greys as they develop over the years.

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I kind of feel bad now; I know I only had him for 5 months and at some point, God willing, I be 15 years in and probably will be laughing at comments like mine.

I just wanted to share a great experience. Maybe I should hold back a bit.......

On a side note; I stopped smoking 10 years ago, but I still support the little steps that people take with a week under their belt. It just feels good.....

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Oh Please don't feel bad. I don't think anyone means to discourage or belittle. I think maybe it's just that so many of the regulars have had their babies for years and come off like a mother telling their grown children who have become new parents.. You just wait.. you haven't seen anything yet. As a new CAG owner myself I enjoy all the posts. The Seasoned owners for the advice and knowledge they can provide as well as new owner like myself who are slowly learning and enjoying the new love of these amazing creatures. It's very easy to take the written word in the wrong way. All we have are words and we can't hear the tone. I really don't believe anyone meant to hurt you in anyway. Please don't hold back or quit. I love your posts on Jellybean.

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I definitely have enjoyed your updates on Jellybean though! It is great seeing the progress! You shouldn't feel bad about sharing. Other people may be going through the same thing too afraid to ask and/or share what they are going through and seeing your post might be helping them. You never know!



I couldn't agree with Jay more. I have had Tango home with me since he was 4 months old, he is now going to be 8 yrs this July and I can remember before I even brought him home the things I told everyone that my bird would never do. Here I am, almost 8 years later with a spoiled little bird who is nothing like the one I brought home. But boy do I love that him. He will never cease to amaze me with the stuff that he can learn and do.

Edited by itsjustnikki
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