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Anyone have an info on safe paint to use to re-finish a cage and where to find it?


I just bought a HUGE cage for Marco that will be her outdoor cage when we are outside with her ofcourse!! Its actually bigger then her inside one. (had to of been one heck of a big bird in this cage) anyways ... it has a few issues that I need to address like a new lock on the door but I was considering possibly refinishing it either paint or taking it to have it re-powdercoated.


Any thoughts?

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That's a real challenge, unfortunately. Especially since most of us have to replace our cages not from real damage, but just because the paint's gone.


Around here, re-powder coating a cage costs at least as much as a semi decent new cage. Very hard to find someone who uses non toxic paint & they don't guarantee how long it will last, either.


DIY paints seem to have pretty bad VOCs. Many claim to be safe for humans once they're cured. But they often continue to emit fumes (sometimes for life) that are at least potentially harmful for fids.


I did repaint a stand a couple of years ago. At that point, Rustoleum swore some of their paint was safe after a couple of weeks curing. And by that I mean I called Corporate & went thru like 4 different departments to get their unconditional assurance. Since it wasn't a part of the cage where the fid would actually come into much contact, I went ahead w/the job. I just left the stand in the shed for a month before I brought it into the house.


So, you might check w/Rustoleum to see if they've changed their formula.

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That's a real challenge, unfortunately. Especially since most of us have to replace our cages not from real damage, but just because the paint's gone.


Around here, re-powder coating a cage costs at least as much as a semi decent new cage. Very hard to find someone who uses non toxic paint & they don't guarantee how long it will last, either.


DIY paints seem to have pretty bad VOCs. Many claim to be safe for humans once they're cured. But they often continue to emit fumes (sometimes for life) that are at least potentially harmful for fids.


I did repaint a stand a couple of years ago. At that point, Rustoleum swore some of their paint was safe after a couple of weeks curing. And by that I mean I called Corporate & went thru like 4 different departments to get their unconditional assurance. Since it wasn't a part of the cage where the fid would actually come into much contact, I went ahead w/the job. I just left the stand in the shed for a month before I brought it into the house.


So, you might check w/Rustoleum to see if they've changed their formula.



Sorry Val..I'm surprised you don't remember,-a year or more ago, we had a cage painting dilemma. (Please check the archives) I contacted first Rustoleum and their response and apologies were posted concerning the fact that the paint was unsafe until dried. I continued on and contacted Krylon, and posted their apologies and responses and the change in wording they used: that their "Child-safe' paint is unsafe until dried and then "It is only safe if not chewed or chipped by a child or animal". If any chemicals or anything softens the paint, a bird or child can ingest it at which time it will become a poison. Rustoleum passed me around from rep to rep with the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing. Krylon actually sent it to the labs to be tested and found out if chipped or chewed could be hazardous. (Chemical tests, not live tests)

Under NO circumstances should you paint ANY item that a bird or child can chew on. We have one member who lost their bird because of this issue which had prompted this inquiry. When you do research or inquiry such as this, you check more than just one seller of the type of product that you are most interested in. I researched over 12+ paint manufactures and only three passed the buck as Rustoleum did.

In regards to "Re-powder coating" you have to make sure about the chemicals in the coating, some contain zinc etc....Jay

Edited by Jayd
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