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To anyone who I have offended,


I sincerely apologize for having posted inappropriate content for this forum.








I'm sure that you would say that you'd never intentionally harass, undermine or generally target any member of this forum. So I expect you to respond w/amazement when I admit that I'm feeling all of the above & then some. But, if you were to "view all posts" for "Birdhouse" & read anything I've posted for the 1st page it returns, maybe you'll get some small inclination as to why I wait w/dread for response to everything I post & why I am asking ...nicely... if I might hope for even the smallest break.


Since I know what a devoted advocate you are when it comes to the love & harmony of all things Grey Forums, I know you'll understand & I thank you so very much, in advance for every little bit of kindness in this.


With my deepest gratitude,



Edited by birdhouse
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birdhouse, I enjoyed the posted video. It made me smile. I'm sad things went down hill in this thread so quickly. Jayd, I personally didn't see anything wrong with your "rule reminder". I see similar reminders from time to time from all the moderators. Both of you contribute so much, and I hope something like this will not lessen either of your involvment here. I know I step on toes from time to time, and I have also felt hurt by an occassional response from another forum member. For the most part, I believe these are unintentional. In any case, the one thing I have learned in this forum is the mantra of "patience" and not taking it personally when we get bitten. I think these things apply to our relationship with our fids as well as to each other. Please don't make any rash decisions. Sleep on it. Let the emotions settle. Allow peace to return, and then come back here and be the wonderful people you are.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Please lock this thread.


Apparently they didn't get the message soon enough to keep me from responding as requested.



There was a time when I would have said we were each others biggest fans. And yes, we had a phone call where I asked you not to quit the forum. Sadly that ended when I defended someone else who I hoped you'd treat differently. In response, you unfriended me because you said that was betrayal & that you would never read any PM from me again.


In the year'ish since, I've been defending myself on the open forum at every turn. We both know that even though Jayd may eventually "thank me for this useful post", it didn't erase the insinuations & outright accusations that I really didn't know what the *#@(& I was talking about. Far, far worse, it continued to threaten if not actively pollute other member's threads. Which left me to step around you or walk away from the forum until I could manage to try again.


I have no stomach for unnecessary drama & I am no saint. However well or badly I've done to date, I just can't manage it anymore.


I've said, "Uncle.", on my own fairly inconspicuous thread. All you have to do is let me up & walk away satisfied that you finally made me say it or realize that this has gotten fairly far over the top & just dial it down.


A little genuine consideration would probably go a long way at this point. But it is of course up to you whether or not you chose to address my future posts or if you resign. But this is not an all or nothing situation & quitting never solved anything, Jay

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