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New Cage Hunting & Cage Size


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I'm a few months away from getting a congo african grey. I've been doing a lot of cage searching and wondered if anyone has used this freedom cage?




I've wanted to go stainless steel and don't like how some of the other stainless steel cages I've seen don't list what grade stainless steel they are. Also I looked at some cages that were a lot larger than that but not stainless. Some people have told me not to get them because their grey's dont use all of larger cages. So big cage owners how much space does your grey use? I have a lot of space and will have lots of things to do outside the cage. Yet I do want to make the cage as big as he will use too. Thanks for the input.

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My question was more is the extra size of going bigger than the freedom cage worth it if I have to do it power coated? I've all but decided to just stick with stainless steel. Anyone have any feed back on freedom cages? They are pricey, but I do like the lifetime warranty. Anyone have a really great other suggestion for stainless steel cage?

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The cage in your link is a good size for a grey. I got a huge cage (43" W x 24"D) because of Dorian's personality. Even with the cage door open he chooses to spend most of his day inside, so I got a cage that could handle a good size swing, bell batttles, and a couple of decent shredding toys, and he still has room to spread his wings for birdy tai chi. If you know your bird is going to have to spend long stretches of time inside a cage, like fids whose people work a full time job outside the home, a big cage is really important so that they have plenty of room to play, forage, and exercise. If I could have afforded it I would have stuck to SS. I love my cage, but the powder coat on the bottom grate does have some chips, something you wouldn't have to deal with in SS. I love the food dish area. Great for pet sitters who are a little nervous of beaks, and it's protected from poops if your bird is playing above. One thing it doesn't show is if there are birdy proof locking mechanisms on the doors. You want to make sure there's a way to secure them from the outside just in case you end up with a little grey escape artist.

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All have great ideas! I have an average cage,as well as deluxe model ( cost didn't matter!).... but in the end,Sophie preferred the smaller cage.Bigger... is NOT always better. The mostimportant thing to learn with a grey, whatever cage you choose... should be their forevercage. They don't deal with change well. Sophie has had the same metal gym for 12 years.I'vebought the same gym.... not the same. Sean fixes the original over and over. Sophie will watch him fix it.Then.... " okay Sophie, try it out!". She will slide down the sides, 90 miles an hour. LOL! Yup! It works! Nancy

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I was wondering if anyone has purchased a cage from birdcagemart.com?


I found a cage that I like and the first place I found it they wanted $270 for shipping. It was a cage made by A&E cages. I got into contact with them and they told me to try this site. They are not charging shipping and the cage appears to be identical to the one they wanted all the shipping money...they would both be shipping out of New Jersey.

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