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Weaning Worries :(


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my baby CAG (Zahzu) now 9 weeks old refuses to eat all his formula in the morning and late afternoon.

He doesn't eat until his crop is full.

I have begun the weaning process and im still continuing 3 hand feeds per day plus I put a bowl of pellets for him, his still playing around with the pellets and not eating much of it. Im Stressed as to why he is not eating until his crop is full.



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yeah I have hand fed before. This is the third week that I have Zahzu and all these days he has been eating well. Its since I started putting the pellets and veggies for him has he started eating less of the formula.

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Guest briansmum

he seems a bit young to be refusing forula yet.

by hand fed before do you mean another bird.. or just the times you've had fed him? sorry if it sounds like a silly question.

if i were you i would call the breeder

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Are you weighing him everyday? Keeping a close eye on his weight is the best way to tell if he is getting enough food. I agree with Beccy and Judy, you should probably talk to the breeder.


Although it is different for every bird, Makena wasn't fully weaned until 5 months.

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beccy by handfed i meant another bird. What happens now is I give him his morning feed, then afternoon, then late afternoon and then in the evening. he seems fine like this so he gets 4 feeds a day, is it ok if I do that? He seems healthy and playful as usual and I didn't notice any signs of illness. Will see how it goes today and if he still does the same I'll call the breeder. Thanks for all the help. will keep u guys posted.

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Mas is he taking four formula feeds ? if he is then thats fine,Parrots wean at at different ages.If he is refusing a hand feed offer a variety of soft foods in a dish for him to try.Just keep an eye on his crop & as Makena said weighing him is crucial to monitor his weight gain.If you are unsure you must contact your breeder for advice.

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he does take the formula but he doesnt take till his crop is full so I increased his feed to 4 times a day n during the day he has lots of soft food that he plays around with. today it seems though he was eating a bit of the weaning food. will keep u guys informed. Thanks so much.

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Yes DanMcQ a lot of enjoyment.

Today we offered him pumpkin, sweet potato, and warm moist pellets in a feeding cup when he was out playing with us. He seemed quite chuffed and seemed to have ate a fair bit and he also had three good formula feeds.

We may be a bit paranoid, however this evening it seemed he was a bit unsettled - we have a suspicion that he may only like making poop on our bedroom carpet! He was in the living room and was "fussing" however once we took him in the bedroom and he made his poop on our carpet he settled (I'm sure if he could he'd smirk at us!! :silly: )

Despite this 90% of the time he's very affectionate and playful. He knows how to communicate what he wants most of the time.

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