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Help! Barking like a dog at 5am


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My Congo African grey just turned 1 yrs and now she has become a lot more talkative. As I expected, she is the loudist in the morning. She barks around 5am and I have three actual dogs. First my pug hears this, and the pug starts a chorus of barking dogs at the crack of dawn. This has affected the sleep of my whole family. Does anyone have any advice?


For some odd reason, my CAG barks like the dog she hates most, our pug Nibbler. Nibbler is the pet that gets the most amount of attention of my pets because she is very in your face. Before my CAG had her wings clipped, she would try to pick fights with Nibbler, who is the sweetest dog. Nibbler and my CAG hate each other. Every time Nibbler is close to her cage, our CAG launches full attack and will sometimes fly at her. Nibbler has never growled at anything except for the CAG because she remembered how it bit her ears when they were young. Now, it is full on war and i crate Nibbler if the bird is out and vice versa.

So two questions: 1) what can i do about my CAG's barking problem? How do I prevent her from setting off the dogs at 5am? 2) Why does my CAG hate my dog Nibbler? Jealousy? Nibbler is also the least calm of my dogs, so maybe because she is so hyper?

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Oh boy. This is a tough one. Both your CAG and Dog have learned a great way to tell everyone to rise and shine. The worst part is BOTH obviously enjoy this and get everyone up which makes it even more enjoyable.


You may need to get a Dog trainer involved to stop that barking by Nibbler. The reason I am choosing the Dog to start with, is because your grey is not as loud as a dog barking. If you can get the barking by Nibbler to stop, then you can just continue to sleep ignoring your CAG. Once your CAG gets no response from dog or human, the barking will stop in most cases.

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Gosh maybe I gotz a lazy bird, Marco dont like to move until we are either up or the sun is up at the very least. Shes a good sleeper! But she also does bark like the dogs as well. I think Marco does it cuz shes feeling left out while the other dogs bark but she hasnt really gone out of control with it and we do mostly ignore it ... I hope it gets better for yoU!

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I too can't imagine my birds being ready and active at 5am. They go to bed around 8pm. When I get up at 5 once in awhile, depending on my work schedule, I have to feed them early. Sophie will stepup and be a slug, but she wants to be with me every morning for one on one. Sometimes our bonding is very quiet, just some snuggling. I have ignored snuggling in the past at such an early hour, and she freaks out when she has learned I'm leaving. Nancy

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agreed Ray.. I think thats why Marco even started the barking at all .. having yippie dogs like I do ... I think she sees they get ALOT of attention when they bark and she always knows once they start barking somethings about to happen so she gets all excited too ... course the attention the dogs get is me screaming at them to hush it and course once they simmer down so does she! Course Id rather she just tell them to hush it versus joining them LOL

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Perhaps Nibbler could sleep in your room with you and that might prevent the barking. Whatever you do, getting annoyed and verbalizing back at your CAG/Nibbler just re-enforces the behavior. It gets your attention. I have a pug that barks to go out or if someone knocks on the front door. Great alarm system for a single person. My CAG, Sterling Gris, always gets up at first light and goes through his vocabulary and sometimes adds in a bark or two just like my pug, Lily. Frankly, I enjoy the talking, it goes great with my canary who sings at first light also. Different strokes for different folks (sorry had to say it). Perhaps you could try to ignore the racket, if keeping Nibbler with you at night doesn't work. Earplugs are another thought at least until your CAG figures out that you will not react.

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Chenliu85.. I would suggest covering your birdcages for now. See how that works. As far as your bird and Nibbler hating each other right now, I think it is more about them establishing dominance.Who is the leader of the flock? My birds include the dogs. Sophie rules.Once they have worked it out, you may find them best friends! Nancy

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