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And he talks.....


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Felix said his first words this week. He said, "I love you." We couldn't figure out where he heard this since we don't say it a lot to him (even though we do love him very much:). Then he was playing with his toys in his cage and I had forgotten that he has a talking toy and it says "I love you." My husband thought he heard him say it earlier in the week but it was very quiet. Then I definitely heard him say it last night. Let the fun begin.....



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Cagonite, I got it at mysafebirdstore. Go to Toys and it's in the JungleTalk section. I got the blue one. Felix hasn't hurt his at all but he isn't very destructive as of yet. It says, "I love you, Hello" and it does a laugh. I heard him do the laugh today. It will drive you crazy if they push the buttons a lot because it's really loud but I've only heard Felix play with it a few times. Apparently, he plays with it more when we aren't home.

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