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An idea for an old smartphone.


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I have just got a shiny new smartphone. I won't bore you all with the gory details. How ever I was wondering what to do with my old smart phone. It is off contract It is hardly worth selling and all my family have good phones already. Then I realised that the phone has a web cam built in and WiFi. So I could fit it on a nesting box or use it to monitor Misty if I have to go out. I can power it from an external battery or its charger. The WiFi is already in my home so no more cost and there are a good few apps available to use control and receive. To do the same job with a dedicated system would cost a significant amount for an impoverished pensioner like me. Any recommendations for apps ?


Steve n Misty

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Do you have unlimited data or would it affect that?


I am with Virgin Media in the UK and I get unlimited data. Sometimes if they think I am being greedy they slow the connection a bit but it is rarely a problem. Most broadband in the UK is unlimited. Of course the ISP's have their own definition of "unlimited" which is unique to them. It is hard to get a meaningful definition from them. I suspect there is a dictionary that only politicians, lawyers and internet service providers have access to but to us mere mortals it is an arcane secret!:confused:


Steve n Misty

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