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Alfie just got grounded!


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Hi guys well Alfie striks again!

He has just flew at the dog for no reason dog was sleeping and has bit him luckly I was very close by and managed to flap my arms which made Alfie fly off but dog did yelp, no blood though, cut down on my bites by using perch so now he starts on the dog, I am worried about this biting as no one else seems to have these problems?

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How old is Alfie now, around 8 or 9 months? He is certainly feeling his oats and finding the biting game to be big fun. But, you know what they say about waking sleeping dogs. That next time Alfie may receive a deadly bite back. He certainly deserves to be told NO and placed back in his cage anytime things like this happen for at least 5 minutes. Please make certain he is placed in the cage immediately so there will be no doubt it is due to whatever bite he just delivered. You do need to get this under control, as I am certain you already know.

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I can commiserate. My cats ignore Timber, but he is will hang around the bottom of his cage so he can try take a nip of their tails as they pass by. I always give him a time out when I catch him at it, but he is persistent. After eight months, I can't see a lot of improvement in that behavior.

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Alfie will be 1 In March danmqc, he really is a handfull with this biting, I am trying so hard, but free time out of cage seems to be getting less and less, he has loads of toys I carry treats with me most of the time, I now use perch most of the time to move him ect but he will even step across that to get to my hand!! Its 10.30 PM here now and this is the best time I have with him he is in cage by me and I can do alsorts to him, tickle tickle as we call it.

Dogs have always been here and I have never shut them out he has always had a bit of a thing for the younger one but it was the older one he went for to day he flew from his playstand half way across the room to where the poor dog was sleeping in his bed, I know to never trust dogs 100% but thank fully this dog is as daft as a brush, will all this ever get better?????

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Of course it will!Be consistent with return to cage, let him know you are unhappy with the behavior. Consistency and repitition is important. We were lucky when Sophie came home at age two, he was already experienced with other birds as well as being around for many guinea pigs. He was the master of our home, loved new animals, but didn't take crap from Sophie the moment they met. He also liked her immediately. He also trained Ollie and Zoey as new pups to love and respect the birds. Sophie, never messed with Max. She new her place the moment they met. Within a few months of her arrival, they were best friends. Nancy

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will all this ever get better?????


I will get better over time. I know it' hard to keep calm sometimes when they are full of piss and vinegar, but you must. As you know, they are very in tune to your emotions. Believe me, when day was between 1 to 3 years old, he was hellion at time feeling his oats feeling his oats, testing every boundary there was to be tested and swore he would not be taken alive. He was not like that all the time, but jesus those bursts of high energy at times when he was playing and enjoying himself like all young ones love to do were very testy.


Do you always use the perch now for step up's or only when he is defiant? The reason I ask, is using a perch all the time is not a good idea in my opinion unless it is a new or rescued bird your building trust with. The only times I used a perch for retrieving dayo, was if he was on a place I could not use the fist of iron properly and would get a blood letting bite. Just try and work on knowing when you think you can use your hand/arm versus a perch is a must situation. :)

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Dont use perch all the time, today is even worse, he will fly to where I'm sat and just bite, these bites are not breaking the skin but they do hurt and leave their mark, have caged him twice so far today once for biting me and second time going for younger dog this time, I even been looking for UK behaviouest.

Have been reading loads yet again one thing I have come up with is his sleeping pattern, Alfie is in my lounge we dont cover him until we go to bed which can be midnight and can be up between 6.30 and 7.30 so he is not getting his 12 hours, I haven't got another room I can put him in unless I use a smaller cage for sleep, I did think about covering him at about 9 pm but with TV on and us in the room would it help?, Also diet he eats pellets, veg and some seed mix but not much of this, the pellets are called tropical somthing sorry cant remember full name would it help to change them as they are the only ones I can find local to buy, I bet your all getting bit fed up with my problems, good news he has said second word, tickle tickle!! He has a nerve bite me then ask for tickle tickle!!

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Not getting enough sleep could cause behavioral and health issues over the long run. You could try covering him in the cage at 9pm. Some to use a smaller sleep cage in a bedroom for just this reason as well. Those non-blood letting hard pinches do hurt. Especially if he figures out he can attack frombehind and pinch and flee as dayo did forthe longest time. All I had to do was piss him off by messing with one of his toys or start cleaning his cage and he was so fast about it that he caught me off guard many times. :P


Anyway, you are on the right path in analyzing what could be some contributing factors. :)

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Sleep could definitely be an issue. Do you have another room where a sleep cage could go? He really needs dark and quiet for 10-12 hours. On the few occasions where I've fallen asleep with Dorian in the living room with me and I've woken up past his bedtime I notice that he never truly goes into sleep mode. He may pull one foot up and even tuck his head behind his wing, but he wakes at the slightest noise. It's nowhere near the deep sleep he falls into at night in his cage. Then on the next day he's invariably cranky.

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