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Hello everybody,


Quick introduction to get things started, my name is Baz,


I own a Congo African Grey (Obviously), I just got him/her yesterday and this is my first parrot to own. I owned many animals before from rabbits to birds etc. I currently have 8 Parakeets as well. The reason for me joining these forums, is mainly because I have no idea what the eff to do with my parrot. It scared me sometimes...screams/moans/growls alot (I understand it is scared and needs to take at least a week or two to adopt to the surrounding, yeah I've done my research xD). My African grey is about a year old, it is currently right next to me, I read that I need to be in the same room for at least 4 hours to allow my grey to become more comfortable around me and so on.


Anyways, I don't want this to be too long, because nobody wants to start their day reading an essay.


See you guys around. ;)


Edit: Just added a few pictures of my grey :)






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Welcome Baz and thanks for the nice introduction.


If I may, I would suggest you take that floral arrangement off his cage. It probably has him terrified just being in the cage with it. Screaming means terror and he is friegthened by the new surrounds and you it seems. Try to make the area close to him as nuetral as possible. Just sit close to him and read, watch tv and talk to him in a soothing way. The first order of business to is let him know he is in a safe environment. :)

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Hello Baz and welcome to our family.

Yes please remove the floral decorations from the top of his cage and it looks to me like his cage is out in the room, a grey likes to have at least one wall beside their cage as it makes them feel safer. Take some time to let this bird settle into his new home, you will find that time and lots of patience will serve you well in the coming weeks and months and do not force yourself on him as a grey's trust must be earned so be patient with him.

I don't see any toys in his cage, he should have several to keep him busy when you are gone for bored greys tend to start plucking and his cage should be where you spend most of your time when home as he wants to be a part of the goings on.

What is his name?

Please read as much as you can of the threads here as you will find firsthand experience will be your best friend and do ask those questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Welcome he/she looks lovely can I chip in with an idear the perch he is on is not really ideal he could do with a couple that are different sizes to exercises his feet I also use apple branches as they love to chew on them as well as climb, keep reading through the different things on here you will pick up loads of tips and idears, its my life saver and keeps me going when we are having tough times.

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Hi Baz, I agree with others that the growls and scream are because your new grey is afraid and uncertain of his surroundings. I see that your grey's cage is in a very busy are. I am assuming that is wallpaper on two sides of the cage. Frankly, it is quite busy and probably confuses your grey and makes him feel unsure of what is happening. The wall hangings and the decoration on the top of the cage are most likely very upsetting to your new companion who already has to deal with a new home and new owner and is, therefore, very afraid of what is happening. If this were my new grey, I would put the cage in a more tranquil area. Your grey is quite handsome and I know you will be great and caring parront. What is your grey's name by the way?

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Welcome Baz,


I can relate to not knowing what the eff to do with your parrot, and being a bit afraid of him. I just adopted my 8 year old Grey, Tyson, two weeks ago.


Re knowing what to do with him, that depends partially on your parrot's background and status, for instance is he tame? If so, once he settles down you'll be able to let him out of his cage for some time every day for play time. In the meantime I suggest you follow the advice of the experienced members of this forum if you have questions about cage setup/location, toys, feeding etc. and just work on getting to know him. One thing I've learned NOT to do is stick my fingers between the bars of Tyson's cage - even though he's tame, he WILL bite!


I put Tyson's cage against a wall in the room where I spend most of my time, the living room. I talk to him, make noises to him and respond to the sounds he makes. As time goes on you will learn to recognize the meaning of many sounds your bird makes. For instance, what sounds like an alarmed scream can sometimes be a contact call, where the bird is trying to establish contact with you as a flock member. He may choose a sound to make only when he sees you enter the room or walk by his cage.


Re being afraid of him - once you get to know your bird a bit better you won't fear him as much. However, it's important to respect him! Yes they can inflict pretty nasty bites when they want to, not to mention the ear-shattering screams. But there's a lot of info out there on how to minimize biting and screaming, including by asking questions here.


Good luck with your new Grey, and I hope you will keep us updated on how the two of you are doing! :)

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