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How many times can you say Hello?


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Marco's new favorite word!!!!! bwahahahah ....


I have this sinkin suspicion that like my kids I was so excited for them to talk (like I am for Marco to talk) then once they did .... now they dont stop :rolleyes: LAFFS !!!!!!


Shes also saying what doing, and ut oh ... I think shes even said either Marco, taco or turbo which are the names of the dogs :D I'll see if I can catch some more of her jibberish later since its a SNOW DAY and Im working from home as you can see LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Edited by aerial.2000
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LOL Loved the videos! Marco sounds like he is just entertaining himself on the second one.


Sterling, Most of the time, my TAG will only do half the wolf whistle, then expect you to complete it. He will finally get mad and do the whole thing if no one finishes it for him. If you respond, he will do it for an hour.

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LOL Loved the videos! Marco sounds like he is just entertaining himself on the second one.


Sterling, Most of the time, my TAG will only do half the wolf whistle, then expect you to complete it. He will finally get mad and do the whole thing if no one finishes it for him. If you respond, he will do it for an hour.

isnt it just amazing? Marco started like that as well and still does it, but she is VERY happy and selfcontained sitting up there just a jabbering away and then she usually takes a 30 min nap afterwards lol like lulling herself into a nap ... shes a nut! HELLO!

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Less than 4mos old and ours is stuck on the wolf whistle. She uses all variations of it and has now picked up on the fact that it gets a reaction out of my wife every time. She has also picked up my wife's laugh. It's turning into a zoo around here.

I cant quite tell if marco's picked up a laff or not but she sure did pick up my little dogs yippy bark :rolleyes:

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Marco's sound interlude was fun to listen to. They seem to amuse themselves, calibrate and just kickback. Heard lots of sound effects, a couple of big kisses and tiny and a hello once or twice as well. Thanks for sharing this. :)

absolutely :D I like to video her and sometimes I think she hams it up when the cams on .... Im definately entertained by her up there just chattering away lot of the time her eyes are half closed and she just seems so happy ... thanks for listening ...

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I love to hear them jibber jabber and while I was listening to the videos so was Josey, she recognized another grey vocalizing, they do repeat a new sound over and over but soon move on to new ones, thanks for sharing them with us.

Marco is like that when I play back her vids .... shes very alert and listens lol :D I play some other vids for her some of sounds some of very vocal greys


OMG Marco is not letting me do my work today! Shes stole my breakfast and now she wont get off my arm!!! So much for my snow day at home working!

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Gracie was and still is a jibber jabber girl. It's fun to try to work out what they are trying to say.
I find myself saying alot of the times ... "Did you just say.................... ?" like as if shes gonna go ... Yea mom I did ... :rolleyes or I'll tell the family ... Did you hear that? they are always like No? So I swear they think Im hearing things but I know shes sayin words. I think shes saying "Going to work" and "What doing" too... :D


She knows you will enjoy your day much more if you spend it enjoying and doing what she wants to do... ;)
yeah I did find myself stopping what I was doing to video her alot of the day long LOL :D



Thanks for sharing! As new parronts, it was very amusing and something to look forward to with our little guy :)
aww you are welcome! so much to look forward to! im so happy that I got my lil camera too cuz its way better to be able to go back and look at her progress i have pics n vids from 6wks of age til last nite LOL :D :D :D
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When I think about it, I find it totally amazing that Marco is beginning to communicate with appropriate things....at the right time. If that makes sense? Example, I take her in the kitchen to her swing where she usually sits while Im doing dishes or anything in the kitchen, and I was making her dinner, and she just out of the blue clear as a bell said ... "What you doing?" and astonished I looked at her and was like ... Im making you dinner. She didnt say it again but it was just like an appropriate thing to say at that time.

The other morning, I had just put her back in her cage and was headed towards the door and she said "Going to work?" and I said OMG DID YOU HEAR THAT!!!!!!!! and hubby was like yea I did .. So we explained yes Marco we are going to work be home later. She totally KNEW ... amazing.

I cant wait ... watching her vocabulary grow is just really becoming fascinating!

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