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Sterling's first day


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Sterling came home today. All is well and we are enjoying him so much. He took to meeting our Dalmatians and our cats wonderfully. He ate a bit of pellet, a small piece of mango, and half a peanut, hopefully he will have a better appetite in the AM. We will be leaving his pellet mix in his sleep cage just incase. He is navigating his cage pretty well but definitely needs more practice. We started streaming him live a few hours after he came home and he is not the least bit phased (thank goodness).


Overall it was a great homecoming. All we hope to improve on is the appetite and some more practice with the new perches. It's going to be so hard leaving him tomorrow morning but at least I'll be able to watch the cam while at work!

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Yay! Welcome home, Sterling! I feel ya... leaving this morning was hard. I'll be home in about 20 minutes and I'm anxious to see how her first day went. All day long I had the same feeling I did dropping our little boy at the babysitter's when he was tiny. I'm sure it will get easier. Can't wait to get home to her!

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Day 2 and everything is still golden. He's very active and ate better today, much to our relief. We're so in love. Watching him play just warms my heart! His schedule basically seems to be eat, play hard, nap, repeat. He really seems to enjoy playing with us but is totally content amusing himself when we give him "his time". This afternoon, he conducted his own flight session and it was amazing to watch. He practiced his turns, hoovering, and landing in different areas of the house.


Today he ate a good bit of his seed mix (no sunflower seeds or shelled peanuts), a bite of roudybush pellet, and some fresh mixed veggies with RPO (mostly just the carrots & bok choy). Thanks for the advice Jayd, we'll be leaving seed, pellet, and water tonight in his sleep cage.


Going to try misting him with the aloe juice tomorrow, will report on how that goes. Fingers crossed.

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