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New member Steve and Woodstock.


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I'm Steve and I have a rehomed CAG, that we got in October of 2012. He's in his late teens and is named Woodstock. Unfortunately I have no prior history on him. I've been lurking here, reading posts re feeding, training, food, etc. I had a Senegal for 19 years but he passed away in Sept of 2012 and I decided to try my luck with a larger bird. Woodstock has recently developed some major issues, but let me give some background.


We brought him home and let him settle in for a few weeks. I initially was the only one to handle him. He came out of his cage with no problem, would step up with no problem and, flew with some limited success. He is now a good flier, so he apparently at one time could fly but was limited where ever he was. Natalie, my significant other, who is great with animals, began to handle him without problems. We are giving him a varied diet of fruit, vegetables, meats, beans etc. Things were progressing nicely until about a week ago.


My ex came over to drop off some paper work and wanted to see Woodstock, she walked over and said "Hello" and he immediately started reacting differently and became agitated but not necessarily in a bad way, more like recognition. However my ex had never seen him before. She is "ok" with animals but isn't really an animal person. She left and things started to go down hill fast.


Later, Natalie came home, talked to him, went to pick him up and got nipped. I went over and he stepped up for me. But he was acting strange. It got worse over the last week. He not only nips her but now me. Today, it went past a nip. He latched onto my right index finger and would not let go, I unfortunately had to shake him off. He has totally regressed to October and maybe further back.


I know that it's not "recommended" that former owners visit a bird, but this caught me off guard. I really don't want to give up on Woodstock, but I also don't want a pet, that's not a pet but an ornament. My plan right now is to start over with him ie it's Oct 2012 all over again. Would this be the correct way to go since he now has some history with us?? Has anyone else had this problem? Any advice would be appreciated.


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Hello Steve and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new grey friend Woodstock and to clarify things, no it is not a good idea to have his former owner visit him as it gives him mixed signals, its best he begins a new slate with the past remaining the past.

In my opinion it was something about your ex that triggered an unpleasant memory and it could have been most anything like the perfume she may have been wearing or something else seemingly minor but it started something that will have to be worked thru and that takes time, lots of time. But you are right about one thing, starting over like it was the first day Woodstock arrived is correct, sometimes to move forward we have to take a step back but progress is made eventually.

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Welcome i cannot give you answers sadly but can tell you I had my Alfie from a baby and we take one step forward and three back, the grey world on trust and bonding is a slow world it takes alot of time, and sadly we do get the bites along the way, I am still trying to read Alfies mind and work out whats right and wrong in his eyes so far the one thing I was adviced on here is during the evening dim the lights and he should relax it really works with Alfie he is as daft as a brush during the evening, just try it can help towards trust and bonding.

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The others gave good responses. Just don't give up on Woodstock. This set back will only last for a while and he will not end up being "just an ornament" unless you let that happen, which I doubt since you have already proven to be a patient and loving person to help to the point he was just at. :)


Lean on this forum all you want. Everyone here is rooting for you and Woodstock! :) :) :)

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To re-home is a life long endeavor, there's no guaranties how long things will take. Sometimes success is measured in inch, sometimes it's no more than the knowledge that the parrot is safe and happy and loved. The saddest cry is when someone gives up, we don't lose, we move on, another parrot, but the one we gave up on suffers immensely, forever...

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Like Timbersmom said, the rebound usually doesn't take as long. Your ex may have strongly reminded Woodstock of someone from his past that he had bad experiences with. Dorian had such a hatred for his former owners husband that she told me I'd never be able to date a tall grey-haired man lol! Just take a deep breath, or ten, and start over. He may snap out of it as fast as he has seemed to regress. Just give him lots of reassurance and consistency.

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