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After our vet visit on friday Alfie has changed in a good way, as most of you no I have had a few problems with bites ect but the last couple of days he has been lovely, I am using a perch more now as adviced on here but not all the time, its made me think after being man handled by the vet he realizes I'm not so bad after all, its either that or he is fooling me and has some plan going on to catch me out yet again.............

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It's good to hear Alfie is starting to respond better. I believe using the perch for a step up has helped tremendously in him coming to the conclusion you are not such a threat after all. The experience at the vet could certainly give a good example of terrible versus better experience. Your doing a great job of taking things slow with him and it is starting to pay off. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Thank you for replys just had real good progress with shower (my Shower) got within an inch of water (Alfie not me) put a perch across the bath which shower runs into we got to height of perch with alfie on my arm and about an inch away from water.............nearly there!

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Biting can change to snuggling! Give them time to mature and understand what your expectations are.We've all been thru the bad behavior and biting stage. Sophie now snuggles like crazy. If I fall asleep on the couch, she will walk or fly in, tuck her beak under my left eye( always on the left) and start snoring. I can't ever nap without her. She sticks her butt up in the air, and settles in for a nap.I LOVE my lazy weekend with Sophie. Nancy

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Sophie is 12 now. Adopted at age two. Went thru the terrible two's. By 3.5. I had a new Sophie. Went thru biting, her learning to accept our family. The thing I try to talk about the most, is Sophie doesn't behave any differently than when she was two. They are ageless! It makes sense, since they live a very long time. Nancy

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Always listen to your bird. If their not happy, they will let you know. Sure I can tell you what to do...but it won't help you, because your BIRD didn't tell you what was their concern! Even my rescue Sunconure, who can't speak a word, lets me know his complaint. Obviosly I get it, fix the issues, and he is happy! He knows I understand his complaints. LISTEN to your bird. Nancy

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