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smart a**ed parrot!!


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LOL Storm played me for a fool tonight and won!!


I sang his bedtime song, and put him in his cage and shut the door. I turned away for a second to say something to my kid, I look back and low and behold there he is OUTSIDE the cage. Thinking I must have only thought I put him to bed, I did the routine over again, and again put him to bed, leave the room and sure enough there he is outside the cage AGAIN, standing all chuffed up and cocking his head from side to side as I am laughing, knowing that I am not crazy and I really did put him to bed probably twice now...so This time I go through the routine again and put him to bed yet again....only this time I watched him.....I WAS putting him in but he was going out the side door, its a feeding door that we never use and it's always closed.


Guess when we were away today, he figured out how to open it and I didn't notice, he was in his cage when we came home just like I left him so I didn't think anything about it...in one door and right out the other, what a smart boy he is, but at only 7 months old,I am suspecting i might be outsmarted many many more times before he has me trained. Now I gotta figure out a way to prevent him from unlocking it and getting that door open, It just isn't safe to be free when I am not home. The dog won't hurt him but he is a mischief maker and no clue what kind of trouble he would/could get himself into.

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That's so funny. Something similar happened to us just this weekend. We only let our two birds out one at a time right now since there still getting to know each other and their boundaries and the little senegal is a bit aggressive. Anyway, my girlfriend was in the kitchen with the senegal and I was at my desk with my back to our Congo's cage. Our Congo fly's by into the kitchen and I hear my girlfriend say, "Hi, Elwood." Like nothings the matter. The tone of her voice quickly changed when she realized they were both out. He too had come through the feeder door where his wet food lived. Hasn't been repeated so hopefully I didn't close the door all the way. Considering the manufacturing quality of 90% of cages out there I wouldn't doubt if the door latch isn't up to par.

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i found a lock yesterday so I locked the 2 smaller side doors, he was a little confused last night when he realized he couldn't open the door...he gave up quickly and went to his roosting perch to sleep and i didn\t hear another thing from him until 6am this morning when he was chewing on the door trying to get out....he hasn't yet figured out the front door, but given his sassyness and cheekiness I expect it won't be long til he has it all figured out.

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