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NOT a fan of the dog...


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Just brought Pearl home and the breeder suggested leaving her in the travel cage in the middle of the room for an hour or so to get used to the room, movement, voices, etc. As soon as Dozer (the dog) approached her travel cage on the coffee table she started squawking and growling at him. Obviously this is a HUGE day of transition. I moved her to the dining room table where she could be a little higher up without Dozer staring her square in the face. Good idea or bad? Should I try to keep the dog away from her until she's a little more at ease?

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Birds feel safer being up high...putting the travel cage higher so the dog can't get near is a good idea. This will allow your grey to see the dog but not up close. I have 3 dogs and when Dali came home, his cage is very tall and had the 'seed catchers' on the side, so the dogs couldn't come near. Now they get along fine. Dali sometimes comes down his stand to 'nibble' on their nose and has them trained to beg for food! Remember birds are prey animals and dogs are predators, and they know this!

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Thanks for the great advice, Carolina! Pearl seems to be doing fantastic! She's up high on her play top taking a little nap. She's been watching Dozer from afar and doesn't seem nearly as scared. I'll upload a video in a bit! She was even inside her cage preening and having some apple. Has had some water to drink and is playing with her toys. We love her already!

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Welcome look forward to some pictures. I have two dogs and my CAG is 11 months, he has very little to do with the dogs but I dont shut them out (never leave Alfie alone with them), he is fine with the one a golden retriver but the other a boxer he dive bombs, flys down and back up just missing the dog! Like most greys they soon sort it out and control everyone in their flock us included.

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All gave good advice on dogs and bird introductions.


You did the right thing in elevating Pearl. Depending on the breed, they can be very sight oriented and when movement occurs it triggers instinctual responses from the dog(s). I had dobermans when Dayo first came home. They are VERY sight driven and become excited at movement. I kept them both in another room for the first couple of weeks we brought dayo home. I would take the dobermans by on leases and at least 5 feet away while dayo was in his cage. This helped both get become aware of each other and used to how they respectively looked. Over the course of of those weeks, I would bring them closer and closer to the cage to desensitize them to each other. Then I stared having dayo out of the cage and kept the dobermans on a leash while watching tv or just kicking back around the house. They of course became alerted anytime dayo would make movements and never take their eyes off him. Even to this day, when dayo takes flight, one or both will stand up as dayo flies over. However, dayo just increases altitude as he does so. Some breeds of dogs can never be trusted while your bird is out and you really need to be aware of both the dogs and birds positions and actions at all times.


My son and family came down a few months ago and brought their damn jack russel terrier with them. Talk about sight driven! That little dog could spring 4 feet in the air in a heart beat. After the first incident that happened as dayo flew over, the went on the leash at all times and `was kept in the bedroom. He could not even be allowed off leash while dayo was in the cage. Because he would run over and start hopping at the cage. Needless to say, i asked my son to never bring his dog to my home again.

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marco isnt a big fan of my dogs either but they dont mess with her. I have 2 yippee small ones and shes started to bark like them and one larger retriever and shes found that she can hang upside down from a perch on the outside of the cage and bite at him :eek: .... so I am always aware and watching! be careful!

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Neither Storm nor Quincy are afraid of each other, Quincy is so used to birds, he just doesn't care anymore. Mind you when Storm wants on the back on the couch to window watch Quincy will get up and move in a hurry....Echo used to pinch his butt when he wanted to be where Quincy was in order to make him give up his spot, now when he sees Storm wanting his space he moves lol.

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Gracie loves my parents' Toy Fox Terrier. She loves to call him over and dump her food bowl to the floor for him to eat. Cats on the other hand are a different story. She is terrified of my nephew's cat (my nephew is living with my parents temorarily). When my father brought the cat over for an introduction, Gracie screamed and thrashed about. Now the cat is shut away during visits even when Gracie is in her cage.

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Dexter, my boxer, had a week long staring contest with Ivan. They came to an impass. My evenings are now spent on the couch with Ivan on my right ankle and Dexter next to my left calf. I'm wondering when Ivan will stop the occasional lurch for the already clipped ear of Dexter's....

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I guess I'm lucky that the dogs and birds have worked it out. My two pups were babies when Sophie came home. My senior lhasa apso was age 18 when Sophie walked in the door. He gave her one sniff and liked her immediately. He spent a ton of time training new pups to respect her. When she walked out, pups would run to meet her. Max would cut them off. " NO! Walk and meet her! Pups learned. Now a decade later, they are best friends. Max taught them well. Nancy

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Thank you all for the great responses, stories, and reassurance. They are doing much better! No more growling or squawking! Dozer is a very sweet dog and can probably read her body language better than I can. If he's stepped too close, he recognizes it and backs away immediately. I think he misinterpreted her broken pellet on the floor as a peace offering. ;) I'm sure it won't take her long to realize he likes the stuff either...

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Thank you all for the great responses, stories, and reassurance. They are doing much better! No more growling or squawking! Dozer is a very sweet dog and can probably read her body language better than I can. If he's stepped too close, he recognizes it and backs away immediately. I think he misinterpreted her broken pellet on the floor as a peace offering. ;) I'm sure it won't take her long to realize he likes the stuff either...

when marco is out and flying or on the floor she will climb up the dog cage that we have in the living room (its huge fits my golden retriever) and she'll climb up there and sit and the dog wont come out LOLOL!!!!!!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Glad to hear she's doing well with the dog now. Thusie has flown off the perch and landed on my (old, large, disinterested) dog 3 or 4 times. Makes me scred, but I find it funny that neither the bird, nor the dog could care less. My dog and Thusie share the same patch of sunshine at the window perch, wonder if that relaxation time added to their comfort levels :)

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Guest Jocelyn

Romeo came into our house when we just had our two smaller dogs and he never minded them at all, then we brought in our dalmatian and he hated him, the dalmatian never bugged or even paid much attention to romeo, not sure if it was his coat or what it was. Romeo doesn't mind him now but it took a few weeks for sure.

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