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Alfies Health Check


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Well guys all went well, clean bill of health!!

Until today I did not know how much noise these darlings could make, needless to say he was not keen on the vet!

Didn't go ahead with having him/her sexed though had good chat to the vet and we decided it was not worth the extra stress as at the end of the day does it really matter he is my lovely moody Alfie moon.

Only bit of advice he did give was not to use the rough perches which I do as I throught it was good for nails, alfie does have other perches as well so what do you good people think?

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Storm was dna'd before I got him, but even if he hadn't been I would have done it anyway. It can help to rule out some things like egg binding bc I know he is a male. But honestly even without the test I would have known he was a male, his head is so friggen flat, I am certain you could easily rest a small plate on it lol.


When talking about rough perches, what do they mean? Storm has several different ones, Rope, wooden, calcium, branch and one that is tapered and made of something like cement but its to light to be so, it does have a rough surface, is this the one? Why not to use rough surface? out of all the ones offered he much prefers the rope ones and I don't even think I have seen him use any of the others

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yes he ment cement type he said they can cause sore feet, we have different ones but he said he has seen birds with sore feet due to these sort, there are a few different kinds Alfie has 3 one is almost like a sand covered one which is very rough, so I dont no really hope others will add their input on this.

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Sometimes, cement or sand paper perches can cause talon sores. That happens rarely and most the time with perfectly round perches that apply pressure to the same spot constantly. If you have the varying shape cement perches, those are fine. It is good to have at least one cement perch to keep the needle points knocked off. I only have one cement perch in his cage. All the rest are wood.

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