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Hello, Just got a new CAG in the house named him Isak :)


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Hello everyone,

I just got a 6 months old CAG yesterday from a breeder here in India.

He is a very quiet since yesterday, eats little in daytime and eats in good quantity at night and plays around in the cage up and down sometimes.

He is a little scared as he is new in the house, but he lets me touch his beak and head, but he tries to bite sometimes.

I want to train Isak but I'm not sure when do I start because he just keeps staring if I put my hand/finger in front of him for him to step up inside the cage and does not step up; could you please tell me how do I start and teach him to step up as I want him out of his cage. How long will it take for him to be familiar and when and how do I teach him to step up when he is inside the cage?

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Welcome raviraj and Isak! :)


The cage is not the best place to work on a step up. It is a birds sanctuary of safety and their home. It is th elast place a step up will normally be accepted. Work on it outside the cage when interacting with him. Once the trust and understanding increases outside the cage, it will be more likely for the request to be accepted inside the cage.

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Hello Ravarij and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new grey and like Dan has already said it is best to allow your grey to come out of his cage before asking him to step up, some birds can be territorial about their cages and regard it as their safe place. Please give him some time to settle into his new home and let him set the pace of when he is ready for more interaction, it can take weeks or months so your best friend right now is your patience.

Would love to see some pictures of Isak.

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Right now just give him time and space to assess his new home and flock. Sit by his cage, talk to him, even read to him. Let him know what you're doing when moving around. His little grey brain is furiously trying to figure out what all the changes in his life are about. You don't want to add to the stress too much by asking him for things he's not comfortable with yet. Learn his body language so that you can tell when he might be ready for more interaction. Here's an excellent thread on body language http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?109373-Body-language-most-frequently-seen If he does come out of his cage, try placing a perch on the outside of the cage and asking for a step-up from there. If he does step up, praise him, offer him a treat as a reward, and put him back down. The best way to build trust is to always leave him ready for more. If he learns that you respect his limits he'll be more likely to trust you. Remember, you literally have decades to interact with your new fid. Learn to think in 'grey time', and take some of the pressure off you and Isak to get everything done and experienced right away.

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Hello Raviraj and Isak


I am new to this forum too, and my CAG Morpheus is coming home to my house next week. I, like you, will be asking a lot of questions and learning from the experts. The members here are very generous with their experience and knowledge, so know you are welcome and supported by genuine, caring people! I personally consider myself fortunate to have found this forum. You and I, along with out companion CAG's are on a journey of discovery!

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