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I'm nervous!


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We can bring our beautiful Pearl home any time starting, well, now...


I feel like I'm bringing home a newborn baby! Everything seems out of order. Do I have all the supplies I need? Do I have the right food? Should I pick up more baby things before I get her? The list goes on.


I have only been able to visit her about once a week. Does she know who I am? Does she like me? haha I could really go on forever.


Being that my birthday is this Friday, it would be the perfect gift... having her here and getting used to each other. We do have family coming in town this weekend who will be staying with us. Should I wait until next weekend when it's more "normal" here at home? Ugh, I don't know! I'm just being a spaz! :eek:

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Take a breath...now another. Bringing home your baby is so very exciting. You want it to be memorable to you and only you can decide if you want to share her first days home with extended family or if you would like it to be a quieter time of exploring and getting to know each other better. Which ever way you choose you know you will wish you had done the other.

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As a opinion only, I'd wait. Your newbie is going to be stressed, and can sense the stress and tension you'll be experiencing. They'll also be the guilt factor, "am I spending enough time with Pearl? My Family? Let your wisdom decide........

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First thing is calm down for your baby will sense that but it might be better to wait until you have the house to yourself or the immediate family rather than bringing her into a crowd of people, she will be somewhat stressed just coming to a new home, new environment and new everything then after she has had a few days to settle in then you can bring other people in to get her socialized, now take a deep breath and relax.

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We can bring our beautiful Pearl home any time starting, well, now...


I feel like I'm bringing home a newborn baby! Everything seems out of order. Do I have all the supplies I need? Do I have the right food? Should I pick up more baby things before I get her? The list goes on.


I have only been able to visit her about once a week. Does she know who I am? Does she like me? haha I could really go on forever.


Being that my birthday is this Friday, it would be the perfect gift... having her here and getting used to each other. We do have family coming in town this weekend who will be staying with us. Should I wait until next weekend when it's more "normal" here at home? Ugh, I don't know! I'm just being a spaz! :eek:



I just brought my Loki home last Friday, so I am a brand new bird mommy too, but from my personal experience so far, I would definitely wait till it's a more normal weekend around your household.


My daughters are late teens/early twentys and do not live with me anymore, but they were both at the house all weekend the weekend I brought Loki home, and although I know he enjoyed the attention, it was quite hectic and he didn't get the down time he needed, as well as he and I didn't get 'our' time together like we should have.


Not only that, but he settled in somewhat to having all of them around for the weekend, then Sunday they all went home, so that was yet ANOTHER change for him. Then the next morning I left for a whole day of work away from home. Poor thing had one change after another from what he was used to at the breeder.


So, if I had it to do over again, I would totally wait for a normal weekend, without a doubt.


Just my two cents

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