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Hi from Kizzy's mom


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What a beautiful view, I could feel myself relaxing just to stare at it on my screen. It has to be much better in person. On the second photo, is that still snow on the ground? When I left Pennsylvania last week there were still some snow in deep pockets on the hillsides.

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  katana600 said:
What a beautiful view, I could feel myself relaxing just to stare at it on my screen. It has to be much better in person. On the second photo, is that still snow on the ground? When I left Pennsylvania last week there were still some snow in deep pockets on the hillsides.


Thank you. We just received 10 inches of snow on 5/2! Today it is 70 so most of the snow is melting. I am wondering if it is safe to take my snow tires off. Sad to have debate that in MAY!

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Congratulations on the confirmation of a bouncing baby boy. They know they are so much smarter than us, he will forgive you for slipping up and calling him a she. I bet he knew it all the time. LOL. Your life will be so enriched by the relationship you have with him. I never would have dreamed it could be so rewarding to have another dependent.

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Congrats on the dna results. So instead of all the girly foo foo, now you need to go out and buy guy stuff, leather jacket, some cool beatle boots, ray bans and oh, don't forget some hair gel so he can slick back his head feathers. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kizzy is 8 months old! He is such a sweet bird. I am prepared for the independence stage which will be coming shortly. I am fortunate to still have him in his "i love mom" stage. Every night, around 8:30 pm, he is ready for shoulder time, scritches and kisses. If I am doing other things (such things are: cleaning cage, preparing his foraging toys for the next morning, cleaning bird poop!), he lands on my head and hangs from my hair and then hops on my shoulder.


I bought and assembled a 5 foot tree for him. It was pain to put together! Kizzy had to watch the entire time, excited as could be. He knew it was a toy for him! But it took away from "mom time." At 8:30 , he grabbed the screwdriver, and flew away with it, and tried to hide it from me. Ha!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kizzy is 9 months old now! Here he is enjoying being outside in the sun, in our backyard.

We take the dogs for a walk and Kizzy goes along, sitting on my shoulder. People get a kick out of me walking two dogs and a parrot.




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  Kizzybird said:


Kizzy is doing the word mumbling which is exciting to listen to!






I love the word mumbling. With my cousin's Cockatoo Anabelle, she calls it her "crazy old lady grumbling". Our peach-winged Amazon does it as well, but it's the 'demonic grumbling'. I'd hate to be a burglar in our house and have Sunny do the 'demonic voice'... "Aw heck, we're trying to rob the house from Amityville Horror". :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 19 year old son who lives out of state is visiting us and I am tickled to say that Kizzy took to Brandon immediately. He hangs on Brandon upside down and loves getting head scratches from him. The husband, Todd, is afraid of Kizzy and won't let Kizzy get near him so I was glad to see that Kizzy felt comfortable around a stranger. Sorry for the blurry pic.

Edit- After I downloaded the pic, it looks like we have a ghost cockatiel on the perch behind Kizzy and Brandon. Doesn't it look like a cockatiel or is it my imagination? LOL



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  • 1 month later...

Kizzy and I were outside yesterday enjoying a beautiful September sunny day- for Minnesota- it was 70 degrees! Both of us were sitting in our own lawn chair - see his picture- (LOL) and I noticed some sort of flying insect crawling up on his chair. No idea what it was, except it had wings. Kizzy saw it, and I expected him to panic. Instead, he leans down and eats it. Bwaaahahaha!

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