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Hi from Kizzy's mom


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Hello! New member here! Kizzy is our newest family member. She is 4 /12 mos old and has adjusted well to her new home (so far!)


Her favorite veggies at the moment are broccoli and sweet potato. She is at the age where she doesn't mind variety and change- in her toys or food. SHe is adventurous - took a shower- (after watching me get wet she quickly figured it out) and will lay on her back and get her feet rubbed. We are starting the potty training now and she is learning to fly to me when I call her. Kizzy is doing the word mumbling which is exciting to listen to!


Once I figure out how to add pics, I will attach a few pics of her and how the family room has been transformed into a bird room. LOL. I have learned a lot from all of you and want to thank you for a great forum.




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Hello Karen and welcome to our family.

Kizzy is an adorable baby grey and yes I can see that living room has a lot of bird stuff in it, looks like she is adjusting well and making great progress. I know we are going to be hearing and seeing a lot of Kizzy in the coming weeks and months as we watch her grow and mature.

Thanks so much for including pictures in your intro post.

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Kizzy is cute! We have a new coming up on 4mo old. Word mumbling is a good way to put it. Does Kizzy just roll over on her back or do you help her over? Mine rolled off my shoulder into my hand once but so far that's it. When I turn her upside down I get the nervous growling. I'll have to look up the potty training, I didn't know these were capable of that.

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  SterlingSL said:
Does Kizzy just roll over on her back or do you help her over? Mine rolled off my shoulder into my hand once but so far that's it. When I turn her upside down I get the nervous growling. I'll have to look up the potty training, I didn't know these were capable of that.


Thank you! She doesn't roll on her own, I help... she will lay on my chest when I'm on the sitting on the sofa and then it is pretty easy to roll her over. I haven't seen any anxiety over it yet. So for the potty training, when I see her start to squat, I take her to one of the perches in the room that is a safe poo spot (ie paper on the floor) and give her the go poo prompt. Then praise her like crazy for going!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kizzy is 5 months old today! Doing well. When she tries to talk, she does so in this really low, deep voice. What is with that? She sounds like the Exorcist. LOL

As far as bird sounds, She still does the chirp sound when she sees me, but has added another call out with a shriller sound that she repeats 3 times. I guess that is a signature call?

She saw my bare foot for the first time today, and waddled over to it, did a few head bobs and regurgitated on my foot. I guess I will need to wear socks.



Edited by Kizzybird
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GreYt photo. I can just imagine Kizzy's thoughts... I know I am from a warm place with lots of Jungle and food. I do not know where the !2###**&&&^^^!!! they transported me to, but really..... WHERES THE TREE'S , RIVERS, LAKES AND SUN???? :P

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So Kizzy is learning and growing every day. I mentioned earlier that she rolls over (with prompt) - now she's decided that being on her back or upside down is FUN and when she perches on my hand, she will throw herself backward (Mom will catch me!) or flip upside down (Imma bat!) and hang on with just one foot. Clever girl!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kizzy will be 6 months old next week! I was on the phone with an insurance claims adjuster (my car got hit by an uninsured motorist-ugh) and he was taking my recorded statement. As I was talking, Kizzy flew to my shoulder and in a very loud deep (exorcist) voice, said, "Hello? Hello? Whatcha doing? <<mumble mumble mumble > Whatcha doing? WHATCHA DOING!!!?" The adjuster had to think that this woman (or her husband) is crazy! Probably will get the claim denied once they listen to the audio again!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kizzy is almost 7 months old! She had her first vet visit this week, which went very well. The nearest vet is 1.5 hours away, so it was a long day for her. The Dr said she was very healthy and calm. He removed her leg band, which is good because it was irritating her leg.


It is finally nice here in MN so she was able to go out with her harness. We sat by the lake and enjoyed looking at the geese, ducks and pelicans. I will get a pic next time we are out!


I discovered that foraging for her pellets and mash got her to eat new foods better than just putting it in a bowl or dish. I take her mash and stuff it in an uncooked pasta shell. SHe then enjoys the entire dish. Also, wrapping up vegetables in brown paper bags is like Christmas every day for her. She literally runs across the counter to open them. I think I may have outsmarted her, for once.





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Kizzy enjoys wearing my work clothes & scarves. Here she is "looking pretty" in a Chico's jacket. Her DNA test will come back soon and I am really hoping she is a female. Otherwise, she will have to begin wearing the husband's train Conductor/Engineer clothes and not sure if safety orange is her color.




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