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A better evening with Loki (although I still have no idea what I'm doing) haha


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Had a much better night with my Loki last night. He was chattering and looking at me and listening to me.


He ate a good dinner and hung out with me without being a menace or screaming or trying to get on my head. Once we went into the living room he did try to get on my head then, but when I told him "no sir, no head" and took him back down, he didn't pitch a fit and go crazy like he did the other night.


All in all a good night together. Boy was I relieved.


Thank you to everyone that is here to help me, I know I am going to need the support, but many of the things already said to me yesterday helped to change my outlook and attitude in ways that are helping me to feel more confident in what to do and how to handle things, and I know that will be the biggest part of growing and getting settled into this new role with my Loki. Thank you very much everyone.


I also spoke with a friend about purchasing her spare play stand for the living room area, so Loki has a fun place of his own to hang out on when I can't have him right on me etc. Our living room is huge and our couch sort of sits in the middle of it, so I am thinking of putting the stand behind the couch so he is still basically right between us and either of us can reach up to play with him or get him down, feed him treats etc.


I also went by his breeders place to pick up his aviator harness she ordered for me, and we visited a bit about Loki and I. That helped as well. His sister was thrilled to see me, it was so sweet.


Loki didn't want me to leave for work this morning and was very vocal and calling to me. It ripped my heart out to leave him when he was actually being sweet and loving to me. The next few months cannot go fast enough so I can be home with him during the day :-(

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I'm guessing ups and downs are going to be normal for a lloooonnnngggg while. Greycie is still trying to get me to regurgitate feed her. She goes berserk around 8:30-9:00 pm where nothing will calm her down except putting her in the dark in her cage. Every night takes less and less to settle her down once in her sleeping area.


I need to put her harness on and start getting her used to it.


She also gets anxious when I leave for work but my wife is there so she resumes daycare after I've gone.


I've also noticed it takes a while for her to get going in the mornings. What time are you getting your's up since you have to go to work? I get Greycie up around 7:00. Takes her about 15-20 minutes before she'll get moving around.

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I'm guessing ups and downs are going to be normal for a lloooonnnngggg while. Greycie is still trying to get me to regurgitate feed her. She goes berserk around 8:30-9:00 pm where nothing will calm her down except putting her in the dark in her cage. Every night takes less and less to settle her down once in her sleeping area.


I need to put her harness on and start getting her used to it.


She also gets anxious when I leave for work but my wife is there so she resumes daycare after I've gone.


I've also noticed it takes a while for her to get going in the mornings. What time are you getting your's up since you have to go to work? I get Greycie up around 7:00. Takes her about 15-20 minutes before she'll get moving around.



Well, Monday I got him up at 6:30am to try and feed him and he was not really with it, then yesterday he was still head behind wing asleep so I just put his breakfast in his cage, then this morning he was chirping at me when I walked through the second time to get coffee around 5:45am, so I got him out and he hung out with me while I put his breakfast together, but he wasn't really 'up' enough to want to eat yet, just talking to me and visiting, then I put he and his breakfast in his cage when I absolutely HAD to get out the door at 6:45am. It has varied so far haha.


So I guess we will have to see if he just gets used to me being up earlier and gets up with me, then hopefully naps during the day while I am gone, since he is then up a little late in the evenings in order to have time with me when I get home from work.


I can't WAIT till I am only working from home so it is not like this!!!! I was supposed to be home by the time he was old enough to come home, it just didn't quite work out right. Best laid plans of mice and men, I guess......

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Glad to hear last night was better! Kind of reminds me of bringing an infant home from the hospital. Sometimes they cry all night, sometimes they are little angels. Timber gets up at 6 AM when I come downstairs. He isn't all that lively initially so I think it is a bit early for him. He gets a lot more motivated when his avian light comes on at 7. I don't know if it is because of the "sunlight" affect or just because that's "his" time to wake up.


Sterling, when you manage the regurg we want to see video ;)

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I am a firm believer in satisfying the oral stage. If Gracie is trying to regurg, she may need a few extra feedings off a spoon. Always satisfy the oral stage, if you don't, they may chew their feathers in my opinion. Satisfying the oral stage, is probably the most important stage to satisfy. Its not being aggressive, or sexual, its a simple stage in life that needs to be met.

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