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Great results with Romo!!


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This may be really boring to all the pros here, but I am just so excited. Romo is our first parrot, and even though I've read everything I could prior to getting him, I still worry about doing everything right.


We just got him this weekend, and yesterday was our first full day at home. I took him out to do step ups with him and start playing the towel game. After being a little nervous about the towel, he did fine, but he didn't seem to enjoy being touched on the neck and head, and kept trying to nip me when I touched him. I was disappointed because I thought he was supposed to like that.


Well today, I was able to completely cover his head with the towel while playing "peek a bird" and he seemed to LOVE his neck and head scritches. He would lower his head and then tuck one foot up into his chest. And he didn't try to nip me once! Hurray!:lol:

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Guest briansmum

thats great deb, he was just being wary the first day. what do you mean by the towel game. are you using the towel to stop him biting

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Most of the books I bought recommend that you put a towel (preferably grey or similar in color) on your lap and place the bird there. Bring up the corners slowly at first like a tunnel and then put them down, saying peek-a-bird! I started by putting the towel over my face and then saying peek a bird - and slowly bringing the corners up until today when I was able to put the corner of the towel directly on his head. I only keep it there for a second or two, before saying peek a bird and removing it - then giving lots of praise and touches. The point according to the books is to gain trust with a towel for vet visits or times when the bird will need to be restrained. If he is comfortable being wrapped in the towel, he won't stress about it. He was very nippy when we first got him, but he isn't doing it nearly as much, especially with me. It's just one more thing I can do with him to establish trust and make a game out of it.

Since I really don't know much about parrots, the books have been my instruction, along with my experience training and raising Arabian horses.

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Guest briansmum

ahh i see. i had never read anything like that, i suppose it is common sense to get them use to a towel. i guess i have been doing that inadvertently, theres a blanket on our sofa and i like to get all cosy on an evening, brian loves to come and throw himself about on it and find what parts of me are where under the blanket :laugh:

do you still do lots of playing and handling without the towel too?

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Guest briansmum

grey forum members don't get bored!! that is what we're here for... cos no one else will listen to our birdy ramblings :laugh:

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