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I have no idea what I am doing


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Okay, deep breath! Stay focused and consistant with the training! Loki is trying to train you also and its a battle of wills, who gives up the training first! Loki flies to your head, bob and weave, when he lands gently pick him up and place him where its okay to you for him to land, forearm, perch, couch or chair. Trick is being consistant. As for the playing thing, i asked the exact same thing, even started a thread asking others how they play with their greys. Come to find out he wasn't ready yet, over a year now and he is just started to open up and play a bit. I bought him this cute toy about 6 months ago, last Friday, he killed it! I went Saturday and bought him another exactly the same, Sunday morning it was dead again! He will not do this when i am around!

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