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Home Coming!


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Our breeder just informed us that our baby will be able to come home this Sunday. My husband named him just in time it seems. He has stared at his long list of names for over a month now and when we learned we were expecting a male, it wasn't any easier. We only ever had one female name on our list. He chose the name Sterling, inspired by a grey he saw with that name on this forum. He said he was going to try and find a name unheard of in the grey community but that name just kept making its way to the top of his list since the day he saw it. When he looked up the meaning (high quality; genuine; pure) it sealed the deal. Our order of red palm oil and aloe vera juice is due on Friday..again, just in time.


Anyway, we're very excited to hear that Sterling will finally be coming home with us. I can't help but feel nervous though. Can you ever be 100% ready? Doubt it. We went out after our visit last weekend and bought some equipment in order to live stream him on the internet. This will put my mind at ease when i'm at work so that I can check on him when I want and since we already stream our Dalmatian litters, it's second nature to have cameras around. When we set up the channel, i'll put a thread up with the link in case anyone would like to view it as well.

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Love it! So excited for you guys! We just received word that our Pearl can come home this weekend too! I was hopping on to post in the forum about being so nervous and then I saw your thread. I guess it's totally normal. As Timbersmom said, it's like bringing home a newborn... you can only be so prepared and the rest (I guess) just happens. I'm interested in the equipment you got for a live stream. I'll PM you about it. Happy happy day! Congratulations to you two and to gorgeous Mr. Sterling! :)

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