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With all the great advice here, I decided to go ahead and bring home the baby Grey we were considering.


Two hour car ride home was slightly stressful. She DID NOT agree on being transported in a carrier. I've never seen a Grey hold on with one foot and a beak and paw with the other foot. Adorable and pulling at heartstrings at the same time. She lasted all of 10 minutes in the carrier before she was out and sitting with my while my wife drove home.


She's not so sure about her new home. Mama's home is in Weatherford and that's where her cage is too - she's been reminding us.


She's made a few laps around our living room. We screwed up and forgot about our full length wall mirror. She hit that once and now we've put stuff all over it. Luckily no harm done.


We're still trying to decide on a name. I really really like Greycie even though it's a very common name. Hell, my name is Steve. There were 40 other 'Steves' born within a few miles radius of my house back in 1969. I hate my name but I still answer to it :D


I keep calling her Aerial by accident but the wife and daughter are insisting on Greycie.


Forgive my baby voice. My real baby is 19, so it's been a while since I've used it:


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Well it sounds like a normal first homecoming, with the exception of the mirror incident that thankfully turned out ok.


I like the spelling of Greycie. That of itself makes it unique. :)


That youtube video is not publicly viewable. You need to make it public in the settings for us to be able to view it. :)

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Changed it to 'unlisted'. I assume that's a version of public access. When I view it through another machine/browser combo I can only get about 1/4 of the way through the video. It's most likely our ISP connection - would like to know if you get through the whole video (1:08).

Edited by SterlingSL
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I was able to view it!! She looks great, good to see her little face!!


Glad all is going well so far. I sure wish I could have had my house to myself this weekend for Loki's homecoming but all is well and we are rolling along anyhow.


Hope everything continues to go beautifully for you guys over there!!!!!!

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Congrats on bringing Greycie home and she is adorable as I was able to view it also, I like the spelling of the name too so by all means call her that.

I would work on getting her used to a travel carrier instead of having her out in the car when traveling, she could prove to be a distraction and if something happened and she got out you might never find her, best to transport birds in some type of carrier.

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Changed it to 'unlisted'. I assume that's a version of public access. When I view it through another machine/browser combo I can only get about 1/4 of the way through the video. It's most likely our ISP connection - would like to know if you get through the whole video (1:08).


I can view it now, thanks!


LOL - What a cutie Greycie is. I always love hearing those baby sounds and watching them react to new things like a camera. The video ended prematurely I thought....... Couldn't imagine why. :P

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I've wondered whether I would clip her or not. I really like having a flighted bird but there's always the risk of her flying away. She's harness trained and I have plans to double secure our house doors with those security clasp/chain like what you see in the hotels. This will prevent someone haplessly opening the door from outside and letting her out accidentally. Also places a little more emphasis on making sure the door is closed as I have two girls in my house who won't lock or make sure the doors are shut. There's tons more risk now so I don't have to be a dicktator [sic] now. They get the idea that if they leave an open door and Greycie is gone, they might as well pack their bags too - preferably before I find out what's happened.


Day 2: Last night we put together her new cage, Greycie helped of course until she decided the birdy in the mirror was too much for her to resist. She flew over to the mirror a couple of times and instead of a head-on crash like the day before she held up and was tapping with her feet before flying back. She see's her reflection and realizes that birdy has the same idea as her. I'm thinking of suction-cupping a perch on the mirror. Good? Bad?


She had only a few nerves after getting her up this morning. Nothing like yesterday. Into the morning routine and she was busy helping prep for breakfast. The noise in the background is our coffee percolator. Good shot of one of our rescues Stuart (from MadTV) the Green Cheek Conure. You can also hear one high-pitched call from Raven our other rescue - a Jardine's parrot:


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I am so glad she is doing so well!!!! I wish I could have stayed home with Loki a bit longer. Sure wish I could have been working from home by now, but we have a few months before that happens.


She looks so happy tearing up her breakfast haha. I'm so glad you decided to take her home. She is a good girl and so lucky to have you guys!!!

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Yeah, she's a sweetie. I forgot to add that she rolled over into my hands this morning off my shoulder. I could not believe it. She does this baby grunting in my ear which I've learned means she wants attention. So I started the head scritches. She kept scooting forward off my shoulder down my collar bone. I cupped my hand because I thought she would fall and she literally let go with her one foot and flopped right over into my hand. Absolutely adorable. I'll have the camera ready tomorrow in case she does it again.

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I've wondered whether I would clip her or not. I really like having a flighted bird but there's always the risk of her flying away. She's harness trained and I have plans to double secure our house doors with those security clasp/chain like what you see in the hotels. This will prevent someone haplessly opening the door from outside and letting her out accidentally. Also places a little more emphasis on making sure the door is closed as I have two girls in my house who won't lock or make sure the doors are shut. There's tons more risk now so I don't have to be a dicktator [sic] now. They get the idea that if they leave an open door and Greycie is gone, they might as well pack their bags too - preferably before I find out what's happened.


Day 2: Last night we put together her new cage, Greycie helped of course until she decided the birdy in the mirror was too much for her to resist. She flew over to the mirror a couple of times and instead of a head-on crash like the day before she held up and was tapping with her feet before flying back. She see's her reflection and realizes that birdy has the same idea as her. I'm thinking of suction-cupping a perch on the mirror. Good? Bad?


She had only a few nerves after getting her up this morning. Nothing like yesterday. Into the morning routine and she was busy helping prep for breakfast. The noise in the background is our coffee percolator. Good shot of one of our rescues Stuart (from MadTV) the Green Cheek Conure. You can also hear one high-pitched call from Raven our other rescue - a Jardine's parrot:




In your situation I really don't know why you would think about clipping. You're already 75% ready to have an unclipped bird. Unclipped birds are less dependent on the people that live there. Many people can't accomplish the things you're ready to do. We always try to change people's minds when clipping is discussed. A lot of muscle power is decreased. Coordination is decreased. In the future if you wanna change your mind about clipping just remember that it takes a long time for an even set of wings to grow back in.

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In your situation I really don't know why you would think about clipping. You're already 75% ready to have an unclipped bird. Unclipped birds are less dependent on the people that live there. Many people can't accomplish the things you're ready to do. We always try to change people's minds when clipping is discussed. A lot of muscle power is decreased. Coordination is decreased. In the future if you wanna change your mind about clipping just remember that it takes a long time for an even set of wings to grow back in.




Not sure I follow that statement Dave. What did you mean? I followed the rest I think.

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Not sure I follow that statement Dave. What did you mean? I followed the rest I think.



""""""""She's harness trained and I have plans to double secure our house doors with those security clasp/chain like what you see in the hotels. This will prevent someone haplessly opening the door from outside and letting her out accidentally. Also places a little more emphasis on making sure the door is closed as I have two girls in my house who won't lock or make sure the doors are shut. """"""""


I'd say that if you can and do these things above then you're close to having an area where you don't need to worry about clipping a bird. What you're planning and doing in the future means to me that you're very close to having the ideal situation for having an unclipped bird.

Is that more understandable??

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""""""""She's harness trained and I have plans to double secure our house doors with those security clasp/chain like what you see in the hotels. This will prevent someone haplessly opening the door from outside and letting her out accidentally. Also places a little more emphasis on making sure the door is closed as I have two girls in my house who won't lock or make sure the doors are shut. """"""""


I'd say that if you can and do these things above then you're close to having an area where you don't need to worry about clipping a bird. What you're planning and doing in the future means to me that you're very close to having the ideal situation for having an unclipped bird.

Is that more understandable??



Ok, makes sense now...Thanks!

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