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Well, Loki is home.....


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So Loki came home Friday afternoon. He was pretty chilled out about the change of home etc and was playing and exploring any toys we gave him etc. Ate pretty good for me for dinner Friday night.


Saturday was another story. We did not have the most stellar day. He was cranky and wouldn't eat very well for me. I think the biggest problem was that both of my daughters were home this weekend for a visit and he was passed around quite a bit, just didn't get the rest he should have had and I think it was all too much for him after JUST coming to a brand new home Friday. Even though he was seeking out the attention, I think as a new mommy and first time big bird parront, I just didn't monitor or handle that whole thing the way I should have.


By Saturday evening he would barely eat for me and was VERY LOUD and cranky, where before he had been his regular self that I've always known, laid back and chatty and sweet.


SO.....I laid down the law with the girls and told them I was putting him to bed and he was NOT to be disturbed at all and I didn't want anyone talking to him or even walking past his cage.


Sunday morning he was much happier. Still didn't want to eat very well, but I think he was missing his sprouts which I had not had time to get all the way done yet.....but we got through it and I made sure he was loved on and everyone got to play with him, but that he got time in his cage to rest as well.


Also on Sunday, both of us had a shower of sorts. In other words, he went nuts fluffing and fussing when I had the kitchen faucet on, so I tried to see if he wanted in the sink, that would be a NO, but he climbed on the spigot and leaned down for a bunch of drinks then got frustrated fluffing up and fussing but not getting wet so I got out the spray bottle and he alternated fluffing and eating up the spray and then climbing up my arm to my shoulder and shaking it off before running back down to my hand for more sprays. We were both drenched, but he seemed happier after the bath. The only issue we had was him suddenly trying to fly off of me and FALLING HARD to the hard wood floor, which nearly gave me a coronary. Also added to my feelings of inadequacy as a parrot mommy.....


This morning was touch and go....I had to come back to work. I have to leave the house by 6:45am to commute to work, and I sort of had to wake him up to try and feed him breakfast. He at a couple of sprouts, literally a couple, and two bits of some cereal (baby rice cereal), one bit of cooked pasta and that is it. Then tried to fly up to his basket I have in the kitchen for him to hang out with me on. But I didn't have time for much else and had to put him back in his cage, get dressed and head to work. I went ahead and put his dish with his food in his cage, I didn't know what else to do. He also has pellets and water in there.


Anyhow, I've been reading and reading about how to do all of this, but I still feel like I just can't get it right. I hope it will smooth out as we get a routine, but the early morning rising and leaving out I have to do has me worried, since he was still asleep.


I will only be at this job outside the home for another few months, but I hate to think I'll have him all messed up and stressed out by then.


Idk, my daughter and I both had some kind of stomach virus all yesterday afternoon and evening, maybe I'm just over tired right now.

loki basket 2162013.jpg

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What a cute baby, dont worry we all make mistakes on here and none of us get it all right, read some of my posts I really feel a useless owner at times! you will find your routine it just takes time I used to get Alfie out of cage for breakfast but as time has gone on he has to stay in cage and have it there as he is a horror to get back in and i would never be at work on time!

Others with more experience will follow on and give you good advice, I really dont no how I would manage with out this site!

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Congrats on Loki's homecoming, glad to hear it is going well but you found out why greys need their sleep, they are grumpy and no one wants a grump for a grey so make sure he gets his sleep.

He does need time to settle into his new home and the daughters might have overdone it but glad you put a rein on that but the picture you shared of him is so cute, what an adorable baby he is, looking forward to hearing lots more about Loki.

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