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Tis the Season! (Almost)

Guest Jocelyn

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Guest Jocelyn

Well guys its almost that time of year travel time! Where I live it is way to cold to even think of taking Romeo on an outing for the better part of the year but spring is coming and I want to be ready when summer gets here!

http://www.parrotchronicles.com/features/travelwithbirds/travelwithbirds.htm I just read that article seemed to have some neat stuff in it.

What I am looking to do is be able to take Romey on outings, not really travel per say but walks around the neighborhood, or a trip to a friends, ect. There is a guy in our area who had a Gray carrier he wore around his neck and his bird was able to stick her head out, it was the coolest thing ever and his bird always seemed so pleased to be checking out new things. He even took her to the local watering hole ;)

I guess this thread is to get some input how do you and your Grey travel? Where do you like to go? Any places (not obvious) you shouldnt go? Any outings you suggest? Any tips tricks?

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My grey Corky loves to travel along with my amazon.

Corky has been in 25 states and many of them many times.

She has spent many nights in friends homes, relatives homes motels and hotels and has tralveled in our cars, pick up truck, vans, suv`s and our motor home.

Both Cricket and Corky love to travel and I think its because they are next to us and they both interact with us as we travel.

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