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For those of you who have an interest in spycams to keep an eye on your bird when you are away, here is a video I took this morning with the cam. The quality on the video software is not as good as what I see on my Kindle or computer. However, it will give you an idea of what you have access to. Excuse Timber's mess on the cage floor, he had a foraging fest this morning (and every morning). There is a cat in the room in back of him, which is where he seems to be directing his efforts. Also, I just realized I forgot to lower his light when I put him in this morning. Happens about every two weeks...



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LOL I wouldn't be surprised at all! Timber will spend a lot of time trying to lure the cats over to the cage so he can get his beak on them. He takes joy in waiting until they are all in the room with him and making a very loud, indescribable sound so they all jump and run. He also throws almond shells and anything else at them that he can. Then there are times when I really think he sees them as flock members!

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