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Grey's intelligence and reasoning power


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I thought I would share one story of Dayo's reasoning power, which all greys have.


As I have stated in many posts, I have from day one since he was a wee 14 week old baby, described every thing I do and what food item I have in simple terms and words. Thus he knows everything around here that is common day to day stuff and events.


He does not like being seperated when we go out on our patio and sit in the chairs directly in front of a kitchen window that opens to tile counter top outside it for serving foods and drinks from. He runs over on the kitchen counter, looks out, whistles, taps on the window etc. Wanting either outside or for us to come back in.


He knows how to turn the kitchen water on/off, garage disposal on/off and light on/off. Well he figured out that turning the water on would not get us running in. So he figured he would see what happened if he turned the Disposal on. Obviously sitting outside we can hear it go on. Then I must go in and turn it off so it will not burn up without water through it. After a few times of that, I figured I would resolve this issue and just went in and turned the water on slow, turned the disposal off and went back outside.


It was not 20 seconds and he turned the disposal on again. Then he waited........ thinking ...hmmmmmm aren't they going to come back in?? We watched as he became frustrated with it no longer working. After about 5 minutes of watching those wheels spinning in his head, we saw him run over and turn the water off. Well now the disposal is running with no water and I had to go in and turn it off, damnit!!!


So, I have had to move the disposal switch under the sink and mount it inside the cabinet!! Problem solved, but jesus sometimes I wish he would dumb down a little. Turning the lights on or off is no big deal and he does it constantly when he wishes them one way or the other. Same with water facet, he will turn it on, get a drink, then turn it back off again..no big deal. :P


Now, please share your glorious moments of your grey putting you to shame with all your human intellect! :)


If non-bird people knew just how intelligent these parrots are, they would be AFRAID!!! :P

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Lol Dayo is a little mischief maker. Gracie also hates when I leave the room. When I am out of sight, Gracie will contact call for a bit. Then, I hear her announce "Gracie dump food bowl!". If I don't get back quickly enough, I then hear, "Ah ah ah...no no no---CRASH!" I come rushing back to discover the bowl flung to the floor with food all over the place. Then Gracie eyes me and says: "Gracie is a stinker."

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Gracie also hates when I leave the room. When I am out of sight, Gracie will contact call for a bit. Then, I hear her announce "Gracie dump food bowl!". If I don't get back quickly enough, I then hear, "Ah ah ah...no no no---CRASH!" I come rushing back to discover the bowl flung to the floor with food all over the place. Then Gracie eyes me and says: "Gracie is a stinker."


Hahahaha Jeff!!! Nice and very funny example of Gracie manipulating you to the point of having to run back to her. Thanks for posting this. I love the phrase "Gracie is a stinker". :)

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Joe loves his treats and when I was making dinner one day, he began demanding a good nut. I told him there was no good nuts until he ate dinner and I was making it for him. He demanded his good nuts a few more times after which I would tell him again, after his dinner. I finally finished prepping and dished up the food. I told Joe that when his dinner was all gone, he could have his good nut and he replied "Okay!" in a sulky tone. He turned and started eating and I walked away to serve the other birds. I heard a big crash and ran back into the kitchen. Joe looked at me and said "Dinner all gone! Want good nut!!" (lol...What a smartie!)

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I told Joe that when his dinner was all gone, he could have his good nut and he replied "Okay!" in a sulky tone. He turned and started eating and I walked away to serve the other birds. I heard a big crash and ran back into the kitchen. Joe looked at me and said "Dinner all gone! Want good nut!!" (lol...What a smartie!)


LOL - Perfect reasoning! Obstacle to "Good Nut" gone. :)

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