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My Loki comes home tomorrow!!!!


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Well I took Loki's travel cage to the breeder last night so he would have time to get used to it.


It took all of five seconds and he was inside on the perch playing with the toy I have in there for him. Gee, such a poorly adjusted bird, huh?? Haha!!


Before too long his sisters noticed him in there having fun and proceeded to swarm the cage, climbing all over the outside of it and trying to pull his toy thru the bars. A good time was had by all. So I guess all three birds benefitted from being introduced to the cage. They never even blinked about it.


I took a few pics last night, but was having so much fun playing with all three of them and watching them play together on the travel cage, I forgot to snap one while it was a merry free for all on the cage, wish I would have thought of it, it was the funniest thing.


Got a pic the second Loki climbed in his new travel cage, and one of him waving bye bye when I had to leave to head home. Also got a funny one of my first time ever trying to take a picture of him while holding him. I was silly enough to try to take that one the second I arrived, when he was so excited to see me that he wouldn't hold still and proceeded to charge the phone hahaha.

loki first time in travel cage.jpg

loki waving hello.jpg

loki eats phone.jpg

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Baby greys are usually more accepting of the travel cage or new things than when they get a little older so keep that in mind when Loki comes home and settles into his new home but he looks so sweet there in the cage, keep it a positive experience so he doesn't mind the travel cage as it will come in handy for vet trips or other outings.

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"Mystery's" (we'll be changing her name btw...to what, we don't know) travel cage will be a 2000 White Nissan Maxima (snicker snicker). We'll bring a cat carrier just in case but I asked Wendy to have her harness trained so we can just slip across to the car and get going.


Haha too funny!! We just called her Mystery because the other two we KNEW this one is a hen and this one is a dude, but with her we kept flipping back and forth as the days passed by hahaha.


This is gonna be SO FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!

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I've been keeping a list of possible names in evernote so I can add one anywhere I think of it. Here's what I've come up with so far. Feel free to comment pro/con or add to it.



Petunia (not sure I like this one)





Snickers ( not sure on this one either)

Greycie (too common - I obviously saw this one here or somewhere. It's my absolute favorite but too common :( )





For some reason I'm leaning towards those last two but I really didn't want a cartoonish/cutesy name since she is closer to our own intellect than say our conure "Skittles" who currently acts like he only has two brain cells to rub together. Our Jardine's is name 'Raven'.

Edited by SterlingSL
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I've been keeping a list of possible names in evernote so I can add one anywhere I think of it. Here's what I've come up with so far. Feel free to comment pro/con or add to it.



Petunia (not sure I like this one)





Snickers ( not sure on this one either)

Greycie (too common - I obviously saw this one here or somewhere. It's my absolute favorite but too common :( )





For some reason I'm leaning towards those last two but I really didn't want a cartoonish/cutesy name since she is closer to our own intellect than say our conure "Skittles" who currently acts like he only has two brain cells to rub together. Our Jardine's is name 'Raven'.


I like Pixie!!!!!! She certainly is a little nymph/sprite/imp!!!!

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All those choices are good. Isn't Dimitri a boy's name though-?(-not that this will matter to your bird). I have a CAG named Gracie, and I had no idea it was common. I wasn't thinking about the "Grey" in Gracie. I just liked the name. Common or not I'm the only person I know in my everyday life with a grey, so everyone thinks I am clever and original. I won't spoil that by telling them any different. :)

Edited by JeffNOK
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