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Weird noise from my bird!

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Marly is a 1 year old CAG, and he has been really quiet lately and his poop is black. So I took him to the avian vet and they drew blood from him and took a swab from near his mouth and the Dr. noticed that he had a lot of bad bacteria from humans because we would kiss him, and he did not have enough good bacteria that a bird needs. So the Dr. gave us antibiotics and some of the good bacteria to give him for a week. We got his blood results back and his chemistry was fine some numbers were high (not within the organs) and the Dr. said it was from the bacteria. But Marley has been doing a weird low short growl that he would not normally not do, is this something to worry about? Could this be because of stress (he isn't plucking feathers at all) His tail is not bobbing and the growl is not constant, its on and off. I took him to the Dr. and showed him a video of the growl and he said that it shouldn't be something to worry about and that he thought it sounded like a baby African Grey making noises, but it is weird to me because he does not normally do that and he has only started to do that because he is sick, should I be worried?

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Sorry to hear of this bacteria infection. It is hard to say why he is making this growl sound at times. Could you post it here so we can see and hear as well? Your vet did say they were not concerned about it, but you are the best judge of whether your grey is acting out of character or not. Is there anything new in or next to the cage that coul dbe causing that growl?

Edited by danmcq
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