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location really does make a difference!!


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So since we lost Echo last week, I decided to move Storm's cage over to where Echo's was in order for him to be closer to me. I thought he would like that idea....However....

Since I moved him there he became quieter, eating but not as well, not really playing and spending a lot more time in his cage, He wouldn't stay in the room alone, always of and looking for me etc etc At first I thought it was because he was missing Echo but wanted to give him a few more days to see what would happen. But yesterday I had enough of this behavior change and moved him back to where he used to be....sure enough within an hour he was out of his cage, whistling, doing his grey clucking noises etc etc and eating....He seems so much more happy and content, I swear I see him smiling.


His old corner is in an actual corner so he has 2 walls, Echo's had only 1 wall and so was a bit more open. Either he doesn't like the lack of 2 walls or he hates change or possibly both. Either way I am happy that my little man is happy again. What a relief.


I don't doubt he is missing Echo but it seemed so extreme, today he seems back to his old crazy 7 months old self lol.


As for us humans we are adjusting to the loss of our sweet baby. Our house is so quiet, nobody is asking what the matter is or screaming for apple, nobody is telling the dog to hush, nobody is whispering after he has been told to shhhh.....I am still undecided as to whether I want another parrot just yet. I suppose though if I found one that needed a home I would probably jump at the chance....I probably do deep down, but I feel a ton of guilt towards Echo and his demise that I feel like I shouldn't be allowed to own another parrot. But yet I would like for Storm to have a buddy, even if they weren't friends or anything but another parrot for him to hear etc etc would be nice.

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Greys are notorious for disliking any kind of change and when you moved the cage back to the former location he was fine with that but what you might want to do if you eventually want him closer to the window is move it an inch or two each day, not enough to make a big difference and see what happens.

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