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Frankie is doing A LOT of hanging upsidedown in his cage and really really shrieking at his toys. He has always done this once in a while, but the past few days have been craaazy - just really going at it. my neighbors must think i'm killing something... I don't think he's sad or anything, actually seems pretty chipper and happy, just screaaaming his head off and attacking his toys as though they were intruders. Maybe it's just the chilly fall air or a little excess testosterone... any thoughts?



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Mine plays the same way with his toys...he screams and then attacks! If the screaming your grey is doing is just directed at the toys and is not screaming for your attention then you have nothing to worry about, it seems there are a lot of greys that act like the toys are wearing ski masks! :laugh: If you think about it it's a good thing that he is doing this kind of thing...it means he is able to play by himself and does not need you for all his entertainment.

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