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Lost our african grey, what should we do?


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Hello all, I just found this forum using google, so I'm not really sure what topic to post in about this. Also please excuse my English, it's not my native language.


So here's our story. Our parrot Lorka has been sick for around two weeks, she was the most cheerful being I've ever seen and never showed any sign of illness, until three weeks ago. We noticed how quiet and sleepy she was one morning, which really isn't her since she always kept taking to us and singing constantly. We though it was because my sister had stayed up late, but when she was also sick next day we contacted the local vet who examined her then injected long-term antibiotics and told us to wait and see. After a while there still was no change in her behaviour, we were terrified and contacted a local vet who had a really good reputation with birds and was not available at the time we first wanted to check her out. He told us to feed her a certain medicine cause there is a problem with her digesting, some kind of infection, but he can't say any more because he doesn't have the proper equipment (we live in Eger, Hungary, no bird clinics at all), but he wouldn't recommend going to the capital with her because he is sure that this is her problem and putting her out to the stress of driving to the capital wouldn't be advised right now, and if she won't heal it'll be too late anyway.. So after still no progress we still decided to take her to the capital for examination, where the clinic was more advanced and the doctor was obviously more experienced. We had to leave her there for care, the doctor said he might be able to save her but he also told us she has really slim chances of survival at this point. After two days she passed away at the age of five.


Right now the whole family is devastated, especially my mom since she spent all her free time with Lorka on her shoulders, but if I had the time I would also play with her whenever I could. I think she really was happy, she rarely had to spend time locked in her cage and we paid as much attention to her as we could, I can only hope she is in a better place now, though the thought of her passing away in a clinic scared and surrounded by strangers hurts me the most...

We don't really get much sleep since then, and the loss of her presence made this house so empty it's horrible. We still do all the reflexes that came with having her around, always scared of opening the window or not shutting the door instantly, only to realise we don't have to anymore.


The doctor told us that even if we brought her 2 weeks earlier, knowing what her illness was he still couldn't have said for 100% that he could save her. She had some kind of fungal infection, that infected her almost everywhere, including the liver and lungs, he told us we couldn't have been really prepared to this, since any food could have caused it, but he thinks it is most likely caused by peanuts, which is actually in her pet food we kept buying since it was made especially for greys..


A week has passed and nobody's better yet, which is not surprising cause she really was like family to us. I don't think we can ever feel better about the thought of losing her. After reading about similar stories, and advices I don't know if we should consider getting a new parrot after a while, because I feel it would insult her memory making it look like she can be replaced, while I think that's impossible. Also the vet told us that this disease is getting more common amongst birds, and if there is really no way of preparing against this kind of illness, I really don't know what we should do, because if this would happen again I'm sure it'd break us even more.


Any tips on what we should do or any information on this illness or avoiding it is appreciated, because we really don't know who to turn to or what to do at this point.

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I am so sorry for your loss of Lorka and yes many birds get this disease and not much can be done for them, I know another bird would not take Lorka's place but you do seem to have a strong love for these awesome creatures, maybe one day when the hurt is less tender as it is right now you can think about bringing another one into your life and your heart.

Birds should be seen by an avian vet as soon as they show the slightest signs of sickness for birds are notorious for hiding illness until they can no longer do so, maybe if it was caught much sooner she might be there with you right now but I know those kinds of vets might be in short supply where you live.

I do give my grey peanuts in the shell but they are the roasted unsalted ones meant for human consumption, I throw away the ones that come in seed mixes for that very reason of the fungus you speak about.

Again I am so sorry for your loss but know that she was happy in the short life she shared with you and your family and remember those memories.

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First, I'm so sorry! I wish there were words that actually helped thru this type of loss. But you have my greatest sympathy.


I can't personally bring myself to replace my pets. I feel like I need to wait to adoption until it's about the joy of adding someone to my family, not the pain of trying to replace anyone. If that makes sense.


In this case, I'd also wait until I had a better understanding of what it was that got your sweet girl. I think it's a very good idea to see if it's reasonable to think you can protect any other fid from this. Like Judy said, peanuts in the shell are known for this problem. Suggest researching the Bird Food Forum.


It's not only possible, but arguably preferable to feed a fid a 100% fresh food diet. You do need to really understand a grey's nutritional needs. You are also committing to a bit of work. But honestly, not that much. Especially once you get organized. Some of us think it's fun as well as gives us piece of mind because know what we're actually feeding our fids.


Again, I'm so very sorry. I hope this might help, at least a little.

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I am so sorry for you. It is devastating to lose a much loved companion. Unfortunately peanuts especially in their shells are a well known risk for causing the fungal disease. I would never give peanuts sold in pet shops to my Misty. I do sometimes give him roasted unsalted peanuts sold for human consumption from by my local quality supermarket. They are a favourite food of his but I always check them. The main problem is poor storage. I have seen so called parrot mix stored in bulk in large bins in pet shops. Avoid this stuff at all times. Prepare your parrot food freshly yourself from recommended foods. There is a forum on this site that will give very useful advice. Damp will certainly lead to the fungus infecting peanuts and many other nuts as well. I know that most here would not give their birds any peanuts at all! Never feed your parrot anything you would not happily eat yourself.


Steve n Misty

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Thank you for the kind responses, they really help.


If we are to have a parrot again sometime we will sure double check everything we let her eat, although we thought we were doing good, since no vet we knew suggested otherwise, or even warned us about this thing, they and we assumed that food packed specially for greys was good for her.

Seems this is one of the drawbacks of living in a country that's way behind standards on these areas.

We really did try to keep her well, was careful about what she could eat, didn't suspect that this food would do her harm. Called the vet as soon as we suspected something might be wrong, but still it wasn't enough. Well, sadly it's too late now, all I can do is spread the word about it here since not many people know it, I could count on one of my hands how many grey owners we have in the city, but I'm sure they are also unaware of this fact and definitely need to be warned.


Although these are all excuses, and are not going to bring her back, or change a thing, I just really hope she is at a much better place now.

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Don't blame yourself. We all do the very best we know how to, and tragedies still happen. As to the comment about your country, it is probably no comfort but I understand that many of the commercial bird foods sold here in the US have the same problem. It isn't regulated as it should be here either. It helps to get online and educate yourself, as you are doing :)

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You've done nothing wrong, you did good, 100% fresh diet would not have made a different. You sound to me as if your love is strong and I would not discount getting another bird, it sounds like your love and caring needs to be spread. I feel by giving care and love to another would be praise to Lorka, you wouldn't be replacing but continuing a love. You'll never forget Lorka, and in her heart she will share with you all the love you have to give. By reading and asking questions in this forum, food, care and health issues can be answered. Man was meant to move forward, this is moved by love. Thanks Jayd and Spock [Maggie]



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Although these are all excuses, and are not going to bring her back, or change a thing, I just really hope she is at a much better place now.


Now, you've made me cry. These are not "excuses". These are the reasons a very sad thing happened to a very cherished & well kept fid.


None of us know everything. W/all the thousands of members on this forum, All of us don't know everything. And there are many, many things that some of us believe are true, while others swear the opposite. Bird keeping is not easy. Which is why only the very best people have the heart to be right for it.


I think the time will come when another very lucky fid will find their forever home w/you & your loving family. I hope so. And even though it was a sad reason that brought you, I hope you'll stay.

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