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Beaming With Pride


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So, Bongo has been with us for a little over a year now. You may have read how we call him our statue, or how he won't play, stopped talking. My little boy's wall is starting to crack! He is starting to give up his stealth mode act and is joining in the fun, even starting stuff on his own. He has started whistling his own songs while out on his stand, bobbing his head up and down dancing. He flys to me now, where even i am and when ever he wants. This started about a week ago, now he even whistles his songs while on my arm! Last night during our alone time, he was just playing with some toys, bobbing his head then he did it!! He waved at me. I always watch his foot because he lifts it up when i talk with him but just as fast as he lifts it, he puts it in his beak and chews his nails. I thought maybe it was a fluke that he waved so we did it 2 more times. He really waves! I am just so proud of him!

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Bongo is my baby boy. No waves tonight but dancing and cooing AND he let me give him kisses from his head to the tip of his tale down his back all the while making kissing noises. He makes me sooo proud! I really do not know how to describe the feeling you get when one just opens up and decides, "ok, i do trust you and you are going to get love like you have never known!" My smile has not gone away today and the interaction today has just made it bigger. I don't need a bird to perform, i just need a bird to know he is loved and safe.

Bongo has never bitten me, my others have, but to me and in my opinion only, they bite out of fear, not because they are " just mean". Time in a good home that allows them their given rights and a whole lot of love and understanding of the situation they were in and the time that they need to realize that those days are behind them is all they need to become the happy beautiful birds they really are. I truely love my misfit family and all they are and what they will become!

Edited by murfchck
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