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What goes on inside those brains?


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So in the last week I'd say Jasper has suddenly taken an interest in my chair. This room is small, everything is squished together and there is alot sadly within reach. I have to keep that end of the desk cleared off because he can reach it. He about bit my phone charger cord going to the computer before I realized he was being sneaky and messing over there. Now it's my chair, he leans over and keeps trying to chew on it. It's been beaten up over the years by the cats but I don't want to encourage distructive behavior towards the wrong items.


The gist of this is he hasn't messed around on his playtop for a couple weeks I've noticed and when I try to put him back up there he freaks and tries to fly away. :confused: He acts like there's a monster up there and I can't figure it out. Tonight I took everything off, pulled out the tray, wiped it down. I then started showing him things to judge his reaction. Nothing really has been added to his foot toy box in a long time. The only thing that got a strange reaction was a little stuffed dog he's had around for a while but I chucked it anyhow. I put pine nuts in his treat bowls, he ate one and then acted like he couldn't get down from there fast enough.


I am totally confused by this reaction. He used to spend lots of time happily playing up there, now I can't get him to stay put. He keeps getting into everything else and after a while I wind up putting him back in his cage because I get tired of chasing after him and telling him "no". I feel bad because since I'm working he has to spend a good deal of time in there as it is.


Tomorrow I'll try putting papers down up there again. Other than that I'm not sure what to do.

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Change your perspective. Look up & around & see what he can see from there rather than what's actually on the stand, itself.


Also, Phenix is the one I always seem to be chasing around the most. He doesn't seem to think its all that exciting to be on his cage vs in it & I can't really can't blame him. He's just never going to stay up there & he's super stubborn about it. Maybe Jasper could do w/a play stand? And since you said the room is small, maybe hang it from the ceiling or wall?


This is getting your attention which may or may not be part of it, too. Whether it's genuine alarm over something, attention getting or boredom, Jasper might also benefit from your hanging out w/him more.


I've found if I just have snippets of quality time w/Phenix while I'm coming & going, he tends not to travel quite as much. Most days, anyway.

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Hi, Jaspers actions are normal for Grey's as they get older, it's like their area of influence expands. They push out what they no longer desire or need, to seek the other side of the mountain. The change in attitude concerning his play-top is he's out grown it, mentally he's seeking new things, new experiences to satisfy for a lack of a better word, his quest for knowledge. A Grey is more like a Theoretical Physicist than a Engineer , seeking why, as apposed to completing a tangible gain. Answering questions to themselves being their overall desire. Remember, a Grey is satisfied with its self to begun with, all that left is to answer "what's that and why".

Your chair is a good example, it's there, you use it, it's a center point in the room, and it probably smell good to Jasper, this goes for everything in the room you touch or use, Jasper is only seeking out "Why"....Enjoy now, a day will come when Jasper spends most of his time contemplating all he's learned today. Thanks Jay


Ps, I hope your feeling well.

Edited by Jayd
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I see Timber doing this on his cage door at least once a day. I'd love to know what he is thinking too! He will swing the door, do the exorcist round and round thing with his head, and sometimes hang by one foot and do his stretch.


He's thinking this is different and fun. Plus I can see under my cage and now by being upside down, I'm bigger than you. You are now looking up at me. :P


I don't know any creature, much less a grey that would be content with just sitting and playing in the same spot day in day out hour after hour. It is not natural for any living thing to do this. All creatures very nature is to explore, touch, taste, smell, shred, eat etc.


No one will ever get a grey just to sit and be happy in that one place like a cage top, t-stand, tree stand etc. If anyone expects that to be the case, they should not have gotten a grey. To place them back in their cage because they are exploring is just wrong on so many levels. I do understand though, if your busy and you cannot keep an eye on them or they keep interrupting something you must do, then place them on your shoulder (if you allow them there) and let them at least take part in that manner, which most will be happy to do. If you know you are going to be busy doing something before letting them out of the age. Just leave them in there until your done. Lastly, if they are going somewhere not allowed or chewing on something like a chair. Go get them a gazillion times if you must from that spot or place something there they are afraid of there. To avoid chewing on furniture spots, you can place towels, fleece blanks that look nice etc. Then your couch will not be damaged by beak or poop. When company comes over, remove those covers at that time. I hope this helps a little. :)

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Jake does the upside down thing on his boing hanging by one toe tail while he gets the boing spinning round in circles and from side to side. I swear he is practicing to join the circus and his stage name will be bat bird the toe hanging wonder. He loves it and I am always yelling to him to hold on with 2 feet.

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I totally get where you are coming from, Dan. It's not the exploring so much that makes me put him back in his cage as it is the chewing on things he shouldn't. If I had much choice to keep that sort of stuff out of his reach I sure would. If I were in my own place and not crammed in a small guest room at my friend's house it would be a little easier. He likes to get on the bed and go look out the window. Things with that I'm fine with I just have to a) make sure he's gone poop first b) make sure the blinds are drawn up far enough out of his reach. Sometimes I get a couple of his balls on the bed and roll them to him, he will fling them back at me. Curiosity and exploring I can deal with. Telling him no dozens of times for doing the same thing wears me out. Frankly I'm rather shocked "no" isn't something he's saying yet LOL


Also too my main thing wasn't that he wasn't happy to stay put up there but that he seemed freaked out by something now and I coudln't figure out what. Putting papers down helped a little, it gave him something to tear up but then he tugged too hard, something shifted and off he went again. The living arrangement is but a road bump and you're right, I should just regard it as such and realize that as long as so much stuff is in range of his beak now it's gonna happen.


On the bright side if I let him destroy everything it gives me an excuse to buy all new stuff when I get to move out, right??? =D

Edited by Wulfgeist
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I totally get where you are coming from, Dan. It's not the exploring so much that makes me put him back in his cage as it is the chewing on things he shouldn't. If I had much choice to keep that sort of stuff out of his reach I sure would. If I were in my own place and not crammed in a small guest room at my friend's house it would be a little easier. <snip> On the bright side if I let him destroy everything it gives me an excuse to buy all new stuff when I get to move out, right??? =D


Oh, I did not realize your living arrangements. I totally understand your reasons now for being paranoid of chewing on furniture. Yes, when you move out it will be a very different story and you will be much more relaxed and able to give and do all the things you and Jasper only dream of right now. :)

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This is so true about greys "expanding their territory". Gracie used to be quite content on her cage or play stand. Now she is getting into everything. She decided to shred the wicker and wood off of a mirror on the far side of the room. She spent days working on that "project". I didn't mind because it's an old mirror, but now she is bored with that and is casting her gaze upon other things I am less inclined to part with. She is almost 19 months old and is so full of herself. It's like she takes great pleasure in doing exactly what I don't want her to do. She is so darn cute though--bless her.

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I don't know how old Jasper, although that wouldn't change anything. We love greys because they are smart. Well smart kids get bored easily just like greys. I am lucky if Brutus plays with the same toy more than twice. He is always looking for something new to chew, experience, or destroy. Your bird is no different. You gotta keep their powerful little brains occupied with new experiences and new things to explore. As far as the scared reaction your guy displayed, mine does this at times, usually in response to something unrecognizable in his food bowl. Greys are prey animals, so they must constantly be on guard against sources of danger. Sometimes that "danger" is something totally ridiculous. They usually get over it though. Jasper may never play with his play top anymore because "he's been there done that." Keep him busy with stuff you want him to play with and cover the stuff you don't with pillows or quilts. It is a constant readjustment to cover new discovered items.

Edited by chezron
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Do you have any boings? Jake just loves his and spends hours dangling, bouncing and spinning. There is a bell at the bottom and I put a bell running through the middle. I can't place any hooks into the ceiling so I bought shepherds hooks that attach to his cage top through the screw holes and have the hook part away from the cage. I'll take a picture later if you want. I think I paid $20 for the large boing and $5 for the hook at the bird fair.

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Hmm no boing but the hook up on his playtop comes out and can be made to dangle over the side. I was pondering getting one of those for him had I remained where I was living as someone before me installed a ceiling hook over where I decided to put his cage. I will be returning to Wisconsin to visit at the end of next week. One thing on the agenda is to stop in at the bird store where I got him and visit. (Sadly he will be staying here with my friend, I'm going by train and don't have a collapsable travel cage). I shall have a look at the store while there and see if they carry them, if not I'll order one online. How wide is yours at the widest part? Not sure if the hook goes out that far, if not maybe I can move things around and put it in his cage. I will definately look into that, thanks!

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