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I need a sincere advice on these parrots please - Is it mealy or yellow naped


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I hope that all of you are fine and doing well. I'm impressed with the amazons personality and abilities and I consider myself have the enough experience to raise an amazon as I currently have a macaw and an eclectus.


Amazons are even more rare than macaws and other type of parrots and it costs a lot in my country for a double yellow headed or a yellow naped amazon they range between $3000 - $4000 (USD) each. Nobody is breeding them in my country so all of the available ones are imported from France and Belgium. The double yellow headed that I saw have a closed ring with a cites with their leg band numbering and id etc, The yellow naped ones don't have a closed ring, Instead they are microshipped and the microship # is there on their cites certs too. I'm sorry for the long introduction I'm just seeking a sincere advice on the following one before getting it, I did my homework, lots of researches and so on.


I'm interested of getting the following parrot, I'm just a bit worried as I couldn't identify the type of it whether it's a yellow naped or a mealy amazon? I've googled both, lots of youtibe videos, The eye ring I can't see it on the most yellow naped ones, While it doesn't look similar to mealy, I mean the eye ring. I've took few pictures and a video of the bird and I wanted to get your sincere advices before going ahead and geting that bird, I just don't want a trader/an importer to trick/cheat on me. I really appreciate your help. Thanks all in advance.











Sorry for the video quality as I captured it using my BB, I've uploaded the video which has a better quality when it's played on a computer



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Many young Zon's don't show color change till they're older. Your photo could be a Yellow-nape or Orange wing, not a Mealy or Dbbl.

Check here.......The has gray white feet, and bone/black beak, and blue shading on head..Check here.........http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index

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Hey Jay,


Thanks a lot for your input. Regarding shading on the head, I've found some sites that says it's normal for immatures yellow nape to have, Please advise?






B. Yellow-naped or auropalliata group: immatures have no yellow on head or neck; crown washed with blue/green. Bill dark grey. Eye brown



also: http://books.google.com.eg/books?id=Sklz7tAUa4IC&pg=PA345&lpg=PA345&dq=yellow+nape%2Bwashed&source=bl&ots=hGCP8_JwPh&sig=kz6vMv4zlcdgeBSUH2y-b-zD-eE&hl=ar&sa=X&ei=SXkXUc2WLsSRhQfszoHgDQ&ved=0CEIQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=yellow%20nape%2Bwashed&f=false



It doesn't look like an orange-winged amazon to me hmm. But for sure it's not a mealy? How % to be a nape and how % to be an orange winged please? Thanks again

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A Yellow-nape or Orange-wing have the blue to blue green tint same as the Blue-front. not a Mealy for sure. A Orange-wing is is the only Zon with orange feathers. On the wing, instead of red the feathers are orange, the shoulder bend is light yellow. The photo of the Yellow-front you posted has a bone colored beak, not bone and black.



Thank you Jayd

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Hey Jay,


Thank you, I was referring to:


B. Yellow-naped or auropalliata group: immatures have no yellow on head or neck; crown washed with blue/green. Bill dark grey. Eye brown



As some sites says immature YNA may have that bluish head feather as well. Thanks

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Hey Jay,


Thank you, I was referring to:


B. Yellow-naped or auropalliata group: immatures have no yellow on head or neck; crown washed with blue/green. Bill dark grey. Eye brown


As some sites says immature YNA may have that bluish head feather as well. Thanks


Sorry, after a couple of months old the mandible is bone/black, as well as a few to many traces of yellow on the head, along with the blue green on the cheeks and forehead. The Yellow-Nape doesn't develop the yellow on the nape for quite a while. Some Zon's don't develop there full coloration until their almost 12yrs old. As baby's,[immature] Yellow-nape, Orange-wing, Blue-front all look very much alike when it comes to coloration. In the 1st photo, I'm holding 3 zons,[immature] all the same age, 1 Yellow-Nape, 1 Blue-front, and 1 Orange-wing. In the second photo, same baby's with 2 blue-front. Thanks Jay



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At this age, about 8-9 weeks, they look muck alike. Notice the Black beaks on the Blue-fronts. The one on the top row right and bottom row are Blue-front, the middle one is a Yellow-nape and the small one on the left is our Salsa, a Orange wing.




Here's some treats:

Blue Mutation Yellow-Nape



Yellow Mutation Yellow-nape


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