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Two birds meeting first time, what does this mean


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Tui had her first play date tonight, and she and the other grey put there heads down moved close to each other and peaked at each other. As the night went on they tended to just sit and ocasionally go at it again but not as bad or as much each successive time


I assume this is a dominance ritual of some sort and my question is to someone who breeds or knows, what does it mean?

How long will it go on?

Is it normal? and I assume they will eventually become friends


I did post a video of the meeting called http://www.greyforums.net/component/option,com_zoom/Itemid,99999999/page,view/catid,2/key,0/hit,1/


Any advice is appreciated

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well, no one fluffed up which is a good sign. It's a feeling out process. That'll go on until all the bases are covered. Could be dominance but at their age, it's probably the drawing of property lines and showing who's toys are who's. They'll peck for all different reasons. Keep your eye on them. Make sure they don't lock beaks. Watch for the one(either one) that might attack from behind.They're usually aiming for the skull. The pecking will lessen with time as long as each has a place to retreat to when he/she wants to.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/10/16 03:23

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Hello All,


That is my bird playing/fighting with Tui. I have to admit that I am very excited about the oppertunity to have Olly be around Tui. Thanks to this site, I have found a very cool bird to play with and teach Olly how to behave. Andrew did not mention that after awhile they did calm down. They did not get overly friendly but tolerated each other.

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Guest briansmum

hi andrew glad to hear your playdate went well.

makenasdad tui is a girl and olly.. i think is a boy. i spoke to adrew just before the playdate and he made sure his room was "new bird" friendly. it looks to me like it was a typical "hey who are you" thing, though it would be interesting to know which bird is which in the video.

so cool you could arrange a meeting like that. hey andy fancy flying over to UK?

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Just an update. My breeder (whom I still get advice from and send questions too about greys) said that it seems normal behaviour. We may have introduced the birds too quickly, (should let them go to each other not place them both on the same location) but she says her young greys are rather horrible to each other when they play, and that if they really wanted too they could bite a toe off.


She advised that if it was only beak and head contact it was just a sorting out period (good to know) and to only worry (but watch) if they go for the backs or toes. She thinks in not too much time they will be preening each other. Also I think (but who knows it depends on Olivers Mum) She and I should have sat closer and interacted rather than watching them, so that the birds saw us being friendly as well (we Just watched them)


Now if I ever advised people to not react when a bird bites them and not let it know you were effected I apoligise. Olly (Tui's playmate) took a nip at me that I have NEVER experienced with Tui, and the little begger does not let go, and now I know sometimes it is much easier said than done to not react to a bite.


With Olly though it was pretty easy to see from his body language when he was going too so won't make that mistake again. And it was when Tui and him had a go at each other so he was a little rattled.


Makenas, Tui is 2.5 and I think female Olly is 8yrs and male


Becs Tui is closest to cam on the cage and on the lower perch of the stand :) Sure we might come for a visit, but I will need to pick feathers from your head and neck so be prepared :)

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Guest briansmum

you will do no such thing you big meany.. i like my feathers where they are thank you very much! ;)


thanks for the update, very interesting!

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