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Easiest Transition


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Our little girl, Pearl, will be coming home some time in the next few weeks. Not only does she have to adjust to a completely different home and people, but schedule too. Our breeder is home with her most of the time. We work full time jobs Monday through Friday and are almost always home right after work and of course weekends except the typical errand running, special events, etc. I considered taking a long weekend (Friday and Monday), but wonder if this is the right thing to do being that it will not be the norm. I just want Pearl to feel comfortable and make this as easy as possible on her. Any full timers who can give input... It would be greatly appreciated!


Here are pictures from my visit Friday (rather than starting another thread):


mmmm broccoli



fluffy baby!




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Many parrot owners work full time and they have healthy and happy parrots. Just keep toys and foraging items in the cage to keep them entertained. They adapt to your schedule. They should however be out with you in the evenings for 4 hours if possible and of course weekends and holidays can be all day cage out time. GreYt photos! :)

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When I rehomed Timber, I had a week of vacation. Brought him home on Sunday then I was off for a week. I think it was helpful to have the extra time with him when everything was totally different environment-wise. We had a chance to get to know each other before he was left alone all day. That said, I think he would have been fine with my going back to work Monday. They are adaptable to schedules.

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I woulddefinately take the time off. You will have precious time that will help with the comfort of a new settling in routine. Your bird has its whole life to get in a routine where your ton, what's the hurry? It won't benefit either one of you to worry about a routine so soon in my opinion.

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If you have the time to take then by all means do so, they are only babies for a short while and it will be time well spent but she will get used to your schedule with a little time, be sure to leave the tv or a radio on for background noise especially if you do not have any other birds to keep her company.

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