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When to give KARMA


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Ronda, I am sorry that no one has signed your guestbook, and I will do that shortly, sometimes we need reminders or we slack behind, but believe me you are loved here and appreciated.


I give so many people karma I don't remember if it was me but I will give you some more, you deserve it.




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Ah, now I understand about the Karma thing! Good idea, I like it. The only part I would not participate in is the thumbs down, removing Karma. I like positive reinforcement, and think it makes people (and parrots!) happier. Removing Karma is a negative action, and might create disharmony. So, I will be on the positive side only!


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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

Karma is a great idea and gives us peasants a little bit of power normally reserved only for the mods (just kidding guys ;) )


I always give positive karma to those who answer a post of my own with what I consider to be very good/helpful advice or if someone goes out of their way to be friendly, I also give it to good posts in general. I have never given negative Karma and I think I would only do so in extreme cases.

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  • 3 months later...

Ah, bless you Jill - see that little number that doesn't read zero - means at least one person thinks you are 7 times more interesting than someone with none!!! I'm not saying it's 7 different people!! You may have just inherited an avid fan :laugh:


I always ensure my full quota of karma is used up in my allotted time (apart from in this room, MY ROOM, where my sprinkling and a tinkling knows no boundaries)!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have just been reading this very interesting thread. A common thought that seems to come across is that nobody wants to give negative Karma.


Why have the option at all? Why not have only the thumbs up? That way there will be no anonymous thumbs downs. And people who disagree with you will have to come out in the open and post their disagreement.

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In the past I will put my hand up - I have given negative karma - but in the same breath I have PMd them and told them why (or in the past when there's been very disturbing entries I've aired my thoughts in public)!


I had a long running battle (for no reason known to me) with a member who is now banned - who just reduced my karma for fun!


I understand why some think it isn't a good to have a "thumbs down" - but tomorrow I may post something absolutely derogatory or insulting - but my karma will stay the way it is - insinuating I'm quite a nice, interesting person :laugh: !!


Some people are cowards and hide behind the "thumbs down" - I'm not one of them!!!! :laugh:

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I have only ever given good karma, i was a victim of someone from another forum who came on every hour purely to knock my points down, i could see them doing it and it got to the point where i watched my points go up and down numerous times, it just becam a joke in the end and became meaningless. The forum just became a karma fight in the end instead of a parrot forum! :angry: :angry: I did pm the person responsible who incidentally was registered under 2 names, i got no reply.

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JillyBeanz wrote:

............I understand why some think it isn't a good to have a "thumbs down" - but tomorrow I may post something absolutely derogatory or insulting...........


Isn't that why we have the mods?


Karma could be used for appreciation. Anything derogatory, insulting or downright reckless can be handled by the mods with a warning and then a ban.


When I thought the posts of a certain person (probably the same one you are referring to Jill) crossing all decent boundaries and providing reckless advice, I debated what to do.


I decided to appeal to the mods rather than start giving thumbs downs. Thumbs downs are not going to deter a person bent upon trolling.

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ramsabi wrote:

I decided to appeal to the mods rather than start giving thumbs downs. Thumbs downs are not going to deter a person bent upon trolling.


I agree with you one hundred percent on this statement.


The reality is, Karma can be high or low regardless of knowledgeable or contributory a member here is.


None of us know why members karma might be high:


1. Just well liked.

2, IN the "Click".

3. Most experienced bird person on here giving expert level advice and help.

4. Etc.


None of us know why members karma might be low, respectively:


1. just doesn't come on often.

2. Is not in a "Click".

3. Gives terrible advice.

4. Gives good advice, but some people just don't like them.

5. Etc.


I always put more value in a person, their personality and their contributions, rather than viewing their karma to determine it. I determine that myself, not a voting group for me. :-)

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ramsabi wrote:

I decided to appeal to the mods rather than start giving thumbs downs. Thumbs downs are not going to deter a person bent upon trolling.


You are so right! The person who knocked my karma down had a minus score at one point - but obviously had a "insider" (I actually reckon he had multiple accounts) who knocked it back up daily. His posts were ridiculous - nobody ever gave him karma for anything interesting he had to say!!


I agree with Dan about the "ways of the karma world". At this moment I have 302 karma. I have owned a grey for 9 months. This certainly does not make me a grey expert - I get all my information from here!


I just like to think that I've been helpful and reliable and accurate in my guidance to others - and that's why I have been granted it. Put it to zero and I'm still the same person.


I don't feel I have to tell people I'm giving them karma - I do it each day, every day, to show my appreciation for the member's advice or the care they have shown. I do sometimes tell them though, when things they are posting are worth the "outwards" praise.


I do think that karma is a good idea - I do particularly smile inside when I see mine has increased - somebody likes me!!!! ;)

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