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series of events lead to tragedy


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......Tuesday, I decided that since the sun was shining I was gonna clean my windows. Echo the quaker was on my shoulder as usual. We live in a heavily mennonite populated area who often drive their horse and buggies through town. At the worst possible second one decided to come trotting down my street. My crazy 10lb dog who is convinced he can take on a horse started to bark. Between the horse's hooves noise, Quincy barking, Echo got scared and took off out the window i was cleaning. It all happened so fast. I ran outside to get him but he was gone. I posted on fb for my town to be on a watch for him and went with my friend to drive around looking for him, calling him, asking if he wants apple. He never responded nor could I see him anywhere.


He was seen at the public school across the street but nobody that saw him knew who he was or that he was a pet. We went out again that night but to no avail.


Yesterday morning I got a call from someone about 2km from me saying that they had found a green and grey bird on their driveway, their dog refused to come inside and wouldn't leave the spot. When the owner went to get the dog he saw my sweet Echo bird lying dead in a shallow snow pile. He was in tact which I suppose is comforting to know that he wasn't tortured or mauled etc etc but he is still gone.


My heart is broken in so many peices, and I don't think it will be able to be repaired. Storm is not doing well with it at all, he isn't doing bad but he hasn't made any noise, and is a bugger to put to bed, he paces and climbs the bars and will not settle. if he continues this way I might have to look at getting another bird which I don't want to.

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I am so sorry for your loss of Echo, birds need to be back in their cages when any windows are open even for just a few minutes for as you found out it only takes a second for them to be spooked and gone, not berating you for accidents do happen, again so sorry.

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Very sorry you lost Echo. My landlord opened a window w/o realizing the birds were out & I lost one kind of the same way. It happens so fast!


Storm may be grieving or empathizing w/your loss. Fids can have some funny ways of showing emotion. Time enough to think about getting another fid after everything settles down. You're obviously not ready to love another one right now & that wouldn't be fair to anyone.

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I am so sorry that this had to happen to you. I have not had similar experience but dont even want to imagine something tlike this. Please take some comfort in the good times you had and try not to get a replacement pet. I know Storm may still be doing this for a while but im sure you are capable of reassuring him that he is ok. He will come around in time. My heart really goes out to you and I would like to extend a hand of friendship out to you.


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thanks everyone. We ALL miss Echo terribly. The hardest part is at bedtime, I miss singing him the quaker song and getting my kisses and the loud "i love you" I miss walking into a room and hearng say "hey you, how are you?" I miss feeding him because he was such a good eater.


We put his cage away and filled his corner with some furniture, it was just to hard to look at his empty cage and I thought it might help Storm to not see it. The house is scarily quiet as Storm doesn't make a ton of noise at the best of time. BUT he is doing much better, he whistled a bit today, still not as much as usual mind you but something is better than nothing, he is eating ok but he just seems to sad. He has NEVER been the only bird, at the breeders he had his bird friends, here he had Echo. He seems to like my daughter more then he did now though so as odd as it is, it's very welcome.


I am in no hurry to get another bird and I certainly won't get a quaker again b/c as far as I am concerned, Echo was the best one ever. I feel horribly guilty, and I am pretty sure I won't be cleaning my windows for a very long time. It's funny bc i always have him on my shoulder when I am cleaning I usually forget he is there until he gives me that bite on my ear. He has been outside with me thousands of time and never once even attempted to take of, It was simply a series of chain reactions that cost my precious boy to lose his life. Sure it could have been prevented had I been more aware of him on my shoulder, I mean I knew he was there but didn't even clue in when I pulled the window open and down to clean it, it just all happened so fast, before my brain had even processed what had happened he was already over my neighbours roof. he only had 3 flights on each side so I am really kinda surprised that he got as high and as far as he did.


His ashes will be returned to me in about 4 weeks. In the spring I will sprinkle them under an apple tree. Echo loved apples and asked for them all the time. If you gave him something else he would throw it and say "No, want apple" he was so smart, so loved, so mischievousness, and now, so missed.

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awww Im so so sorry to hear this :( Marco did the same thing cept it wasnt a window she was way cross the room on her boing and hubby was coming in the front door but he had something large in his hand ... scared her ... she took off ... wizzed right by me I tried to grab her clipped her wing on my hand and she flew passed the yard over the street into the grass on the other side before she glided down...... it was just that fast and I would of never thought just him carrying something large inside would of had that sort of reaction. Im just so sorry you werent able to find your sweet Echo before it was too late. <<hugs>>

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