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Cage placement near kitchen


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Hello everybody,

I will soon be bringing home a 16 year old TAG (Fred) and I am looking for advice on cage placement.


He comes with a big cage and a small cage. We have a quiet room in mind for the small cage that will be used as his sleeping place.


The place where my boyfriend and I spend most of our time is our office. There isn't enough room for a cage, but we just built a big play stand with branches and decorated it with toys. We are hoping that when we are home, he'll enjoy hanging out on the play stand in the office with us.


When we are both gone for work, we'd like to put him in his big cage where he can receive maximum entertainment from nearby window activity and lots of toys. However, the only place suitable to place the cage (considering temperature and space needs) is the dining room, which is 10 feet from the stove. The stove would obviously not be in use when we are gone from the house.


However, if we are cooking, then he'll be off the office play stand and on the big cage near the kitchen. I've read mixed advice about how safe this is. We do not have teflon pans, cook mainly on the weekends and eat microwave leftovers most of the time.


Is it safe to put his cage so close to the stove? Thanks in advance for your advice!

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My birds cages are only about 12 feet from the kitchen stove and oven. There is no problem with that. Of course you do need to be careful of never letting something get to the "Burnt" point in a fry pan for example that would produce smoke. Which we have always been careful of. Who the hell likes to smoke up their house? :P


We placed the birds cages in the family room which is an extended portion of the one huge room that includes kitchen and family room which is as you seem to have as well. There is a sliding glass door looking outside to our backyard which they enjoy looking at and even being rolled out in their cages when weather is warm.

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I would just make it a habit to keep your bird in the cage while you are cooking. They move so fast and even vigilant members here have had close calls, some after months or years of incident free living. If you do this from day one, are consistant, and provide a treat and something to occupy him while he's in the cage, he'll quickly become used to the routine and it will be no big deal. That way everyone is safe and worry free.

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