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How to give medicine to a parrot?


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What's the best way to give drops to the grey? I have to give him antibiotics 2/day and I do not know how to do it right. We tried to put him in a towel, but he is shaking his head as crazy! I am really worried that because of this torture he will stop trusting me. Any ideas? Thank you a lot

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What did the vet tell you what to do? Follow his instructions. Part of being a parent of a parrot, is " the good with the bad"! You don't worry if a bird will be mad at you, never trust you again. Just as any child, medicine, is medicine.Give the medicine, however you find successful.I promise you.... stick to your guns, it is non-negotiable, it will not affect your birds trust! Nancy

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As I said in the post, the vet said that the easy way is to cover the parrot in a towel and put him on his back and I said why it does not work. The vet also said that I can do as it comfortable for me. The main thing is to get it inside him, how would I do that is up to me. That's why I am asking about how other people do that

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Gotcha! I have only had to give my birds antibiotics rarely over past ten years. As they trust me... they take any syringe I give them.Don't try to put med in food or water. Must be delivered directly by syringe. Worse scenerio... do as vet said... towel your bird, deliver the medication. Be careful to give a small amount at a time. Important for bird not to aspirate.I think it stinks that parrents have to give a medication to a bird. They have no idea about complications of aspiration. I'm lucky that I am a nurse and know what to do. I would be more than happy to talk you thru it. Nancy

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If I may, you should be feeding your Grey a teaspoon of Low Fat Yogurt once or twice a day to replace the good bacteria the med is destroying. A good yogurt, Greek or one with high Probotics should be given. We give all our birds it daily from fledge on....Thanks

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As I said in the post, the vet said that the easy way is to cover the parrot in a towel and put him on his back and I said why it does not work. The vet also said that I can do as it comfortable for me. The main thing is to get it inside him, how would I do that is up to me. That's why I am asking about how other people do that


Apologies, I didn't get any of that in your original post except that you had tried to towel with no success. Go back to your vet and ask for a 1ml syringe to administer the antibiotic. The antibiotic bottle may have a droplet opening, but I feel that it is too risky to administer directly from the bottle - there's always a chance of more going in than planned. Using an oral syringe (non-needle syringe) is usually non-traumatic for your bird and very safe.


After giving the antibiotic use the syringe to give him the yogurt that Jayd mentions - then he'll get a treat for taking the antibiotics.

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Apologies, I didn't get any of that in your original post except that you had tried to towel with no success. Go back to your vet and ask for a 1ml syringe to administer the antibiotic. The antibiotic bottle may have a droplet opening, but I feel that it is too risky to administer directly from the bottle - there's always a chance of more going in than planned. Using an oral syringe (non-needle syringe) is usually non-traumatic for your bird and very safe.


After giving the antibiotic use the syringe to give him the yogurt that Jayd mentions - then he'll get a treat for taking the antibiotics.


Great Advice, thank you......

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  • 3 years later...

On his back? I'd be careful, that sounds like an aspiration risk to me. We hold ours (in a towel) upright and administer from the side of the beak. You can tilt the head to the side but I don't believe I'd give any liquid to a parrot on their back. The Parrot Wizard has some videos on YouTube about how to train a bird to take medication. When Megan was taking a supplement daily, we drew up pomegranate juice in a 1mL syringe and administered it mixed with that. She loves the "pommie" and would beg for it. Especially if Daddy acted like he was having some (we'd often give him some of the juice without medicine). Do you have, as Judy suggested, a food or drink your Grey loves? Just remember, though, you must get the entire dose in so put the medicine in only a tiny amount of food or beverage so that they don't get full or decide to stop eating/drinking before they've gotten the full dose. Good luck!

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Since I have had all of mine we use an oral syringe with bird mash (baby bird formula) in it as a treat. They all love it so when medication times comes they are happy to see the syringe! Most of the oral meds are flavored fruity so it is easier to trick them into it being a treat. That being said, right now we have to do 2 drops of an antibiotic into each nostril of Oliver 2 times a day, there is no trick for that one other than be quick and get it over with fast and it takes 2 people! LOL

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