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Hello Katelyn and welcome to our family.

Congrats on adopting your first grey, do you have any other birds? What is his name? We have some other members who have taken in rehomed and rescued greys and you will find some of their stories in the rescue room. I am sure you realize this will probably be a long slow process for this is a mature bird that has baggage from his previous home or homes and if you know some about his background it will be very helpful to you as you work to obtain his trust.

Take things slow and easy to begin with, let him make the decision on whether to come out of his cage or interact with you, never try to force yourself on him or it will set you back, think in terms of small steps and some days you may take a step back but it is to be expected as you work thru this new relationship.

We love pictures here so if you have some of him you would share with us we would love to see them.

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