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A bright hello from Darkest Africa.

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I greet you all from a sunny Johannesburg in "darkest Africa".


Although a forum member of various other forums, I'm the new kid on the block here.


Reason for joining is to gain some knowledge of how best to take care of my Gray. Pete is her name and although I've had her a few years, there's stil much to learn.

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Welcome Lycraloon and Pete, it's GreYt having you here. I hope to hear more about Pete and also see some photo's or videos when you get a chance. :)


LOL. Very punny. I am techno challenged and it will take some time to load some pictures of Peta (Sorry, I have fat fingers so most times, I get it a bit wrong.) never mind videos which I dont have at this time.


The young lady is extremely bright and very amusing at the best of times. Just lately shes been doing a lot of feather plucking and I have been doing some reasearch on that one. One theory was something to do with a bacteria or fungus in peanuts and it has helped but the "silly tart" (her favourite thing to say) is still plucking.


Sheis also terrified of new anything in her cage so I want to find out how to introduce her to some new stuff without scaring the rest of the feathers off the poor baby.

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Plucking can be caused by several reasons. They can pluck if they are fearful for example due to something near the cage. The way to introduce new toys to a grey, is to hang them a little distance away from the cage so they can view it and get used to it. Then move it closer to the cage as they seem comfortable until you can hang it on the outside of the cage so they can view and touch up close. once they are good with that, then you can place it in their cage. Also, since you live in africa, greys eat red palm fruit as a staple of their diet. Star giving peta a few say day. The oil in the flesh is beneficial to them in many ways.


Here is one thread very recent on plucking. There are several in the health room if you view through older threads there. Here is the latest : http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?197982-Plucking-%28

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Hello Lycraloon and welcome to our family.

I am confused, is your grey named Pete or Peta? You spelled it both ways and I just want to clarify that.

She sounds like a normal grey as they usually are terrified of anything new or different, you have to allow them time to get used to a new thing gradually or they think it is out to get them, when you introduce a new toy put it far enough away that it doesn't upset them then gradually move it closer until they are used to its presence nearby then they usuall will be ok with it.

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Thanks for the warm welcome all.


Ok, so just to be sure we have the evidence correct, my bird is Peta. She's probably about 10 years old or so and I inherited her from my exe's uncle. I think the reason for that was that Peta and I always had a close bond. We would look after her when they went on holidays and long weekends away and I was one of the few who could take her out of the cage and pet her every time i went to visit.


Unlce's wife and Peta never got on well after she moved in and one day I got a call to "come and fetch your bird" (having jokingly said a few times that I would gladly take her at the first chance that came along). Naturally, I was a bit mystified but it soon became clear that "aunty" was less than charmed with Peta and it was "either her or me".


Damn, thats a tough choice to make but from where I sit, I would have helped her pack.


And so I have a new owner.


I have several pics of her on facebook and if I can find the links, I will post them. I just love this bird, she is intelligent, gorgeous (which she thinks is one of her names) and is highly entertaining most of the time.

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