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how to make them ...


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I know logicaly I can't force him to but how can I get Storm to eat ALL colors of his zupreme. He leaves the orange, red and purple ones behind. This is such a big waste of pellets....I tried switching him over to a non coloured pellet but he won't touch them unless it's to throw them at the floor, me or the wall. I tried mixing the old and new with some unsweetened apple juice, and I tried putting them in his mash but he is a smart boy and won't be fooled.


Is there a trick or secret that I haven't thought of yet to have less waste? I have so many bags of food here, some coloured some not and the zupreme fruity ones are the only ones this booger ball will eat.

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Hi, The secret is to switch to a natural no color added pellet...Two reasons, Greys should have only a small piece of fruit or unsweetened fruit juice every day or so, number 2 is the dyes in the colored pellets can in some cases harmful to any parrot. Try Zupreem Natural or Nut Blend......Thanks Jayd

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A large majority of pellets are not eaten. I understand the frustration of throwing money out the door, but as talon said, thats a parrot.


The other thing is, pellets are not a necessary part of any birds diet, as long as you provide a wide variety of seeds, nuts, veggies etc. I mix some pellets in with my greys seed/nut mix and he eats part of them along with the seeds and nuts. One thing about parrots, one day they will eat a food item, they next they will not and eat something else. I mix in a few harrisons and a few zupreme nut blend with the seed/nut mix. Some days a few harrisons will be eaten, other some zupreme. The same goes with veggies and bean mixes, some items get eat one day, the next other items. Long story short, there is a lot of waste everyday.

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i try to hide some pellets in the birdie bread I make marco weekly. she has almost completely stopped eating them from a dish but she totally loves mommys cooking ;) so thats where I get her pellets in her! the rest of the time is lotttts of good veges, beans, some fruit and a great seed mix. Dont think she dont waste alot of that too LOL. Shes getting way better with her distance she can throw it as well :rolleyes:

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aerial... EXCELLENT! Maybe we should have a contest " who can throw their pellets the farthest"? LOL! When I had Sean, an autistic 18 year old that Sophie loved, take care of the birds for a week last summer, I was concerned. I talked to his mom, who told me she and/or her husband would come with him daily to care for the birds, I felt comfortable. Sean's mom was a teacher at my son's middle school when he was younger. When I got home, I had to laugh when she told me she told Sophie " she was wasting food!" LOL! Sophie, paints the walls with her food. If she didn't, I would think she was sick! Nancy

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