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TAG baby is finally coming home


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I was notified yesterday that my TAG is finally done weaning and am setting up to pick him up next week. I figured it'd be about time to introduce myself then. My name is Michelle and this will be my first parrot, I do have a Green Cheek Conure as well. I live in San Diego, CA and am currently going to school to be a Holistic Health Practitioner.


I am super excited to finally be getting the grey that I've wanted for over a decade and the next few days will be finishing setting up/birdproofing for our little baby to come home. I think his name will be Tyrion, but will definitely have to see if it suits him when I meet him.


Here are a couple of pictures I got from the breeder.






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Michelle you have one beautiful Tag there in Tyrion and next week when you bring him home will be the beginning of the rest of your life with him, I know you will enjoy him immensely, looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more of the both of you, I know you are excited for the next chapter of your life to start and so are we.

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He is home!! He seems to be adapting remarkably well. He comes out of his cage and flies over to me, flies between me and my boyfriend, makes all sorts of little chirps and noises, and preens everywhere. He is adorable. The only thing is he is obsessed with trying to fly onto either my head or my boyfriend's, as well as climb on our shoulders. A lot of his playtime has been trying to keep him from doing that and trying to keep him from chewing on us. He is definitely way into biting on things and it seems our skin is way more satisfying than whatever I'm trying to get him to chew on at the time. Now when he starts to bite at the hand of the arm he's perched on I just rotate my wrist so he looses his balance and has to sit upright to regain it, while saying no. It seems to mostly work. If he keeps trying for my hands it's back to the cage to chew on his toys there. At least he really seems to enjoy them when he's in there! Here are a couple of pics I've managed to get of him.






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Congrats and thanks for the photos of him. Your description of his interactions with you are certainly exactly how a baby acts... they must touch, feel and test everything. Of course, the reason he is flying to your head at first is because it is the highest and easiest spot to land on. They are so much fun and so much work to keep entertained and worked with at that age, it wears you out like a human toddler that just started to walk and is everywhere getting in to everything. :P


A few things that may help. Wobble your head when you know he is going to try and land on it. It will quickly teach him it is an unstable landing area. Hold up your arm horizontally that he may consider as a stable landing spot. For the nibbling on everything (which is normal for learning textures and hardness) gets some small foot toys and offer them for his beaking pleasure.

Edited by danmcq
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A few things that may help. Wobble your head when you know he is going to try and land on it. It will quickly teach him it is an unstable landing area. Hold up your arm horizontally that he may consider as a stable landing spot. For the nibbling on everything (which is normal for learning textures and hardness) gets some small foot toys and offer them for his beaking pleasure.


I will definitely try these things. It's funny about the landing on my head, he'll be on my forearm and I can see him getting ready to fly to the top of my head so I can get my other forearm up in time and he lands on that before getting to my head. Sometimes he does this several times in a row, it's a great workout for my reflexes!


He is already getting better about the nibbling on me, maybe he's got my texture down for the most part. He still every now and again bite and really gets into my skin, he's in a timeout for that right now. Time for his parole though, so back to baby wrangling!

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