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Admitted :(


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Started feeling sick this week, figured I wa getting a bug. Then it got to the point where I couldnt breathe so I went to the clinic on Friday. Next thing I know I am being packed off to the hospital. I have been here since, I had massive amounts of fluid around my heart. There are more tests to do but they think they know what is going on.


Just started a new job and my insurance kicks in on Monday. A dat late and a dollar short. My friend is taking care of the kids for me but I cant wait to go home.

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Thanks everyone, I got to come home today which thrilled myself and the kids. My friend was doing feeding and watering but there were cage cleanings and litter scoopings to do. I think they were all really glad to see me too. Once I feel safe taking off my iv bandages Jasper and I are going to both take a long much needed shower.


At the clinic I was hooked up to the ekg. The nurse looked at it and left, returning with the doctor who hastily left the patient she was with. I was told I was in afib and needed to go to the hospital. I finally gave in and let them take me. I get there and get blood drawn, tested, xrayed..made to sit on a hard ole guerney for hours..ER doc comes in and tells me I have congestive heart failure and they need to admit me. I have fluid around my heart and need treatment. At this point I was refusing. I just started this new job, my insurance is due to start on Monday..I'll come back on Monday and do anything you want! He tells me no, I'm really stupid and if I go home I am looking at a stroke or heart attack. ::sigh:: So I agree to let them admit me, I get strung up with three iv bags. Yesterday morning one of the cardio docs comes and tells me I have thyroid issues, likely Graves disease.


They let me come home this afternoon but I have to have an echo and go see an endocrinologist in a couple weeks. Pretty sad for someone not even 50 yet. It is what it is. I'm dreading the arrival of that bill though.

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Maggie..diet? :( That's a nasty 4 letter word!! That will be fun..I don't like sheets of paper telling me what I can and can't eat..I'm impulsive!


We'll see what happens with this whole mess. I've had problems with my heart for quite a while but this is the first time it's been this serious.


You all are just so awesome, kind and caring. I really appreciate all the kind words and prayers.


From the moment I got home today all I am hearing is "work...work...workwork". Thanks dude, I get it, I need to be at work. I explained to him I wasn't feeling well and was at the hospital trying to get better. I apologized for not returning home for so long. They are just so adorable.

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I hope you get everything all sorted out. Sometimes there's assistance for some of the medical bills if you call in and speak to the billing dept. Definitely serious stuff on the diagnosis but at least you were where you were when you heard the news and didn't just have a stroke or heart attack. Wishing you healing and strength to get through any diet they may throw at you!

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Maggie..diet? :( That's a nasty 4 letter word!! That will be fun..I don't like sheets of paper telling me what I can and can't eat..I'm impulsive!


We'll see what happens with this whole mess. I've had problems with my heart for quite a while but this is the first time it's been this serious.


You all are just so awesome, kind and caring. I really appreciate all the kind words and prayers.


From the moment I got home today all I am hearing is "work...work...workwork". Thanks dude, I get it, I need to be at work. I explained to him I wasn't feeling well and was at the hospital trying to get better. I apologized for not returning home for so long. They are just so adorable.

The sheets of paper sometimes taste better than the food....................................

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